Lind Lab

The focus of this lab is the implications of astrocytes in ensuring a healthy brain and adequate blood flow.



  • De Ceglia R., Ledonne A, Litvin D, Lind B.L, Carriero G, Latagliata E.C., Bindocci E, Di Castro M.A., Savtchouk I.A., Vitali I, Ranjak A, Congiu M, Canonica T, Wisden W, Harris K, Mameli M, Mercuri N, Telley L and Andrea Volterra. Specialized astrocytes mediate glutamatergic gliotransmission in the central nervous system. Nature. 2023 . Sep. 10.1038/s41586-023-06502-w

    Krogsgaard A., Sperling L., Li, F., Dahlqvist M., Thomsen K., Vydmantaite G., Li F., Thunemann M., Lauritzen M, Lind B.L. PV interneurons evoke astrocytic Ca2+ responses in awake mice, which contributes to neurovascular coupling. Glia. 2023. 

  • Lind B. L., Jessen S. B., Lønstrup M. and Lauritzen M. Fast Ca2+ responses in astrocyte end-feet and neurovascular coupling in mice. Glia. 2018 Feb;66(2):348-358. doi: 10.1002/glia.23246. Epub 2017 Oct 23. 

  • Lind B. L., Brazhe A., Jessen S. B., Tan F. and Lauritzen M. Rapid stimulus-evoked astrocytic Ca2+ elevations and hemodynamic responses in mouse somatosensory cortex in vivo. PNAS, 2013 Nov 26; 110(48):E4678-87.






Lab members

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Barbara Lykke Lind Associate Professor Lind Lab Billede af Barbara Lykke Lind
Fangyuan Li PhD Student Lind Lab, Lauritzen Lab Billede af Fangyuan Li
Ginevra Matilde Dall'Ò Research Assistant NAD Billede af Ginevra Matilde Dall'Ò
Jakob Akbar Stelzner Master-Student Lind Lab Billede af Jakob Akbar Stelzner
Pedro H. Coelho-Cordeiro PhD Fellow NAD Billede af Pedro H. Coelho-Cordeiro