Rekling Lab
The aim of the research is to understand how neurons in small assemblies interact to produce sensory and motor functions in the brain.
The aim of the research is to understand how neurons in small assemblies interact to produce sensory and motor functions in the brain. A variety of electrophysiological and optical techniques are used to study living neurons in preparations of nervous tissue that maintain functional sensorimotor systems under in vitro conditions. We seek to answer fundamental questions such as: What neural microcircuit mechanisms in the brainstem are involved in generating breathing movements? How do sensory and motor systems produce precision movements? What developmental processes are involved in specifying functional microcircuits? Ultimately we wish to contribute to an understanding of how brain function emerges from network interactions between individual neurons.
Respiratory rhythmogenesis
En-block brainstem, acute slice, and slice culture preparations from newborn mice are used to study the cellular and system properties of respiratory neurons with the aim of understanding how breathing rhythm is generated.
Spontaneous respiratory activity on hypoglossal and cervical nerves in an in vitro brainstem-spinal cord preparation from postnatal mice.
Calcium domains
Slice and whole-mount preparations from newborn mice are used to study coordinated calcium activity in neighboring groups of neurons with the aim of understanding early developmental specification of neural function.
Processing of sensory information and cerebellar function
Slice preparations from the inferior olive from newborn mice are used to study spontaneous coordinated activity in clusters of inferior olive neurons with the aim of understanding early olivocerebellar development and function. The internal processing in the cerebellar cortex is analyzed in the intact cerebellum. Of particular focus is the inner workings of mossy fibers, and the Golgi cell inhibitory control of the mossy fiber-granule cell synapse in the input layer of the cerebellar cortex.
Detection of clusters in the inferior olivary nucleus in a slice from postnatal mice. Movie showing concurrent image stacks of original Fluo-8, AM data, ∆F/F and 1 frame subtraction, and three stages of an automatic cluster detection algorithm as described in our 2013 paper in J. Physiol.
We are currently looking for students interested in doing their Bachelor, Master, or PhD project in our group. We will actively support the application of suitable students for scholarships from various sources. The projects might include both electrophysiological, optical and molecular biology techniques. If you are interested in becoming a member of our team, please contact:
Jens C. Rekling
phone: +45 3152 6540
- Phillips WS, Herly M, Del Negro CA, Rekling JC. Organotypic slice cultures containing the prebötzinger complex generate respiratory-like rhythms. J Neurophysiol. 2016 Feb 1;115(2):1063-70.
- Kølvraa M, Müller FC, Jahnsen H, Rekling JC. Mechanisms contributing to cluster formation in the inferior olivary nucleus in brainstem slices from postnatal mice. J Physiol. 2013 Sep 16.
- Rekling J.C., Jensen K.H., Jahnsen H. Spontaneous cluster activity in the inferior olivary nucleus in brainstem slices from postnatal mice. J Physiol. 2012; 590 (7): 1547-1562.
- Del Negro, C.A., Hayes, J.A., and Rekling, J.C. Dendritic calcium activity precedes inspiratory bursts in preBötzinger Complex neurons of neonatal mice recorded in vitro. J. Neuroscience. January 19, 2011; 31(3):1017–1022
- Rekling, J. C., Funk, G. D., Bayliss, D. A., Dong, X-W, and Feldman, J. L. Synaptic control of motoneuronal excitability. Physiological Reviews. 2000; 80(2): 767-852.
- Rekling, J.C., Shao,X.M., and Feldman, J.L.. Electrical coupling and excitatory synaptic transmission between rhythmogenic respiratory neurons in the preBötzinger Complex. J. Neuroscience. 2000; 20(23): RC113, 1-5.
- Gray, P. A., Rekling, J. C., Bocchiaro, C. M., and Feldman, J. L. Modulation of respiratory frequency by peptidergic input to rhythmogenic neurons in the Prebötzinger complex. Science. 1999; 286 (5444):
- Rekling, J. C. and Feldman, J.L. Prebötzinger complex and pacemaker neurons: Hypothesized site and kernel for respiratory rhythm generation. Annual Review of Physiology. 1998; vol 60: 385-405.
- Rekling, J. C. , Champagnat, J. and Denavit-Saubié, M. Electroresponsive properties and membrane potential trajectories of three types of inspiratory neurons in the newborn mouse brain stem in vitro. J. Neurophysiol. 1996; 75(2): 795-810.
- Rekling, J.C. Effects of met-enkephalin on GABAergic spontaneous miniature IPSPs in organotypic slice cultures of the rat hippocampus. J. Neuroscience. 1993; 13: 1954-1964.
Academic degrees
Gold medal in the 1985/86 prize essay in medicine G (1986).
Medical Doctor (MD) from University of Copenhagen (1988).
Doctor of Medical Science (, DMSci) from University of Copenhagen (1999).
1982‑1985: Student. The bloodbank of Rigshospitalet.
1986‑1987: Student. Institute of Neurophysiology, University of Copenhagen funded by a scholarship by Upjohn.
1988-1993: Postdoctoral fellow. Institute of Neurophysiology, University of Copenhagen.
1993-1995: EU Fellow. Institute Alfred Fessard, C.N.R.S., France.
1995-1999: Assistant Research Scientist (Parker B. Francis fellow). UCLA - Department of Neurobiology.
1998-1999: Visiting Assistant Professor. UCLA - Department of Physiological Science.
1999-: Research Scientist. H. Lundbeck A/S.
2001-: Project leader. H. Lundbeck A/S.
2001-: Section head – Electrophysiology. H. Lundbeck A/S.
2003-2005: Principal Scientist – Electrophysiology. H. Lundbeck A/S.
2005-: Associate Professor (Lektor). Department of Medical Physiology.
2007-2011: Vice-Chair. Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology.
Calcium imaging
Voltage imaging
Molecular biology
Cell culture
Original papers
40. Jørgensen AB, Rasmussen CM, Rekling JC. µ-Opioid Receptor Activation Reduces Glutamate Release in the preBötzinger Complex in Organotypic Slice Cultures. J Neurosci. 2022 Sep 12;42(43):8066–77. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1369-22.2022. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36096669; PMCID: PMC9636991.
39. Mamedova E, Dmytriyeva O, Rekling JC. Thyrotropin-releasing hormone induces Ca2+ increase in a subset of vagal nodose ganglion neurons. Neuropeptides. 2022 Aug;94:102261.
38. Mamedova E, Árting LB, Rekling JC. Bile acids induce Ca2+ signaling and membrane permeabilizations in vagal nodose ganglion neurons. Biochem Biophys Rep. 2022 May 31;31:101288.
37. Torz, L, Niss, K, Lundh, S, Rekling, JC, Quintana, CD, Frazier, SED, Mercer, AJ, Cornea, A, Bertelsen, CV, Gerstenberg, MK, Hansen, AMK, Guldbrandt, M, Lykkesfeldt, J, John, LM, Villaescusa, C, Petersen, N. NPFF decreases activity of human arcuate NPY neurons: A study in embryonic stem cell-derived model. 2022. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(6), 3260;
36. Gómez, CD, Rasmussen, CM, Rekling, JC. GABAergic inhibition of presynaptic Ca2+ transients in respiratory preBötzinger neurons in organotypic slice cultures. eNeuro. 2021 Aug 23;8(4):ENEURO.0154-21.2021.
35. Czeisler CM, Silva TM, Fair SR, Liu J, Tupal S, Kaya B, Cowgill A, Mahajan S, Silva PE, Wang Y, Blissett AR, Göksel M, Borniger JC, Zhang N, Fernandes-Junior SA, Catacutan F, Alves MJ, Nelson RJ, Sundaresean V, Rekling J, Takakura AC, Moreira TS, Otero JJ. The Role of PHOX2B-derived astrocytes in chemosensory control of breathing and sleep homeostasis. J Physiol 597.8 (2019) pp 2225–2251.
34. Egerod KL, Petersen N, Timshel PN, Rekling, JC, Wang Y, Liu Q, Schwartz TW, Gautron L. Profiling of G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Vagal Afferents Reveals Novel Gut-to-Brain Sensing Mechanisms. Mol Metab. 2018 Jun;12:62-75. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2018.03.016. Epub 2018 Apr 3.
33. Phillips WS, Del Negro CA, Rekling JC. Dendritic A-current in Rhythmically Active PreBötzinger Complex Neurons in Organotypic Cultures from Newborn Mice.J Neurosci. 2018 Feb 19. pii: 3342-17.
32. Phillips WS, Herly M, Del Negro CA, Rekling JC. (2015). Organotypic slice cultures containing the prebötzinger complex generate respiratory-like rhythms. J Neurophysiol. 2016 Feb 1;115(2):1063-70.
31. Harsløf, M, Müller, FC, Rohrberg, J., and Rekling, JC. (2015). Fast neuronal labeling in live tissue using a biocytin conjugated fluorescent probe. J. Neuroscience Methods 253, 101-109.
30. Kølvraa M, Müller FC, Jahnsen H, Rekling JC. (2014). Mechanisms contributing to cluster formation in the inferior olivary nucleus in brainstem slices from postnatal mice. J Physiol. Jan 1;592(Pt 1):33-47.
29. Apuschkin, M., Ougaard, M., and Rekling, JC. (2013) Spontaneous calcium waves in granule cells in cerebellar slice cultures. Neuroscience Letters 553, 78– 83.
28. Albert M, Schmitz SU, Kooistra SM, Malatesta M, Morales Torres C, Rekling JC, Johansen JV, Abarrategui I, Helin K. The Histone Demethylase Jarid1b Ensures Faithful Mouse Development by Protecting Developmental Genes from Aberrant H3K4me3. PLoS Genet. 2013 Apr;9(4):e1003461. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003461. Epub 2013 Apr 18.
27. Rekling J.C., Jensen K.H., Jahnsen H. (2012).Spontaneous cluster activity in the inferior olivary nucleus in brainstem slices from postnatal mice. J Physiol April 2012 590 (7) 1547-1562.
26. Lauridsen J.B., Johansen J.L., Rekling J.C., Thirstrup K., Moerk A. and Sager T.N. (2011). Regulation of the Bcas1 and Baiap3 transcripts in the subthalamic nucleus in mice recovering from MPTP toxicity. Neurosci Res. Jul;70(3):269-76.
25. Persson, K., and Rekling, J.C. (2011). Population calcium imaging of spontaneous respiratory- and novel motor activity in the facial nucleus and ventral brainstem in newborn mice- J. Physiol 589 (10): 2543–2558
24. Del Negro, C.A., Hayes, J.A., and Rekling, J.C. (2011). Dendritic calcium activity precedes inspiratory bursts in preBötzinger Complex neurons of neonatal mice recorded in vitro. J. Neuroscience. January 19, 2011 31(3):1017–1022
23. Jensen, K.H.R., and Rekling, J.C. (2010). Development of a no-wash assay for mitochondrial membrane potential using the styryl dye DASPEI. J. Biomolec. Screen. 15(9): 1071- 1081.
22. Tarras-Wahlberg, S., and Rekling, J.C. (2009). Hypoglossal motoneurons in newborn mice receive respiratory drive from both sides of the medulla. Neuroscience 161 (2009) 259–268.
21. Falk, S, and Rekling, J.C. (2009). Neurons in the prebötzinger complex and VRG are located in proximity to arterioles in newborn mice. Neuroscience Letters 450, 229–234.
20. Laursen, M and Rekling, J.C. (2006). The edinger-westphal nucleus of the juvenile rat contains transient- and repetitive-firing neurons. Neuroscience, 141; 191-200.
19. Rekling, J.C. (2004). NK-3 receptor activation depolarizes and induces an afterdepolarization in pyramidal neurons in gerbil cingulate cortex. Brain Research Bulletin 63 (2), 85-90.
18. Rekling, J.C. (2003) Neuroprotective effects of anticonvulsants in rat hippocampal slice cultures exposed to oxygen/glucose deprivation. Neuroscience Letters, 335, 167-170.
17. Rekling, J.C., Shao,X.M., and Feldman, J.L. (2000). Electrical coupling and excitatory synaptic transmission between rhythmogenic respiratory neurons in the preBötzinger Complex. J. Neuroscience 20(23): RC113, 1-5.
16. Rekling, J.C. (1999). Electrophysiological properties of brain stem neurons involved in motor control. University of Copenhagen. Doctoral Thesis.
15. Gray, P. A., Rekling, J. C., Bocchiaro, C. M., and Feldman, J. L. (1999). Modulation of respiratory frequency by peptidergic input to rhythmogenic neurons in the Prebötzinger complex. Science 286 (5444): 1566-1568 (first and second author contributed equally to the work).
14. Zheng, Y., Riche, D, Rekling, J. C., Foutz, A. S. and Denavit Saubié, M. (1998). Brainstem neurons projecting to the rostral ventral respiratory group (rVRG) in the medulla of the rat revealed by co application of NMDA and biocytin. Brain Research 782 (1-2):113-125.
13. Rekling, J. C. and Feldman, J. L. (1997). Bidirectional electrical coupling between inspiratory motoneurons in the newborn mouse nucleus ambiguus. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 3508-3510.
12. Rekling, J. C. and Feldman, J. L. (1997). Calcium-dependent plateau potentials in rostral ambiguus neurons in the newborn mouse brain stem in vitro. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2483-2492.
11. Rekling, J. C., Champagnat, J. and Denavit-Saubié, M. (1996). Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) depolarizes a subset of inspiratory neurons in the newborn mouse brain stem in vitro. J. Neurophysiol. 75 (2). 811-819.
10. Rekling, J. C. , Champagnat, J. and Denavit-Saubié, M. (1996). Electroresponsive properties and membrane potential trajectories of three types of inspiratory neurons in the newborn mouse brain stem in vitro. J. Neurophysiol. 75(2). 795-810.
9. Rekling, J. C. and Theophilidis, G. (1995). Effects of a pyrethroid insecticide, deltamethrin, on respiratory modulated hypoglossal motoneurons in a brain stem slice from newborn mice. Neuroscience Letters, 198. 189-192.
8. Rekling, J.C. (1993). Effects of met-enkephalin on GABAergic spontaneous miniature IPSPs in organotypic slice cultures of the rat hippocampus. J. Neuroscience, 13. 1954-1964.
7. Rekling, J. C. (1992). Interaction between thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and NMDA receptor mediated responses in hypoglossal motoneurones. Brain Research 578 (1/2). 289-296.
6. Rekling, J.C. (1990). Excitatory effects of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) in hypoglos¬sal motoneurones. Brain Research 510. 175-179.
5. Rekling, J.C., Jahnsen, H., Mosfeldt Laursen, A. (1990). The effect of two lipophilic GABA uptake blockers in CA1 of the rat hippocampal slice. Br. J. Pharmacol. 99. 103-106.
4. Rekling, J.C., Mosfeldt Laursen, A. (1989). Evidence for a persistent sodium conduc¬tance in neurons from the nucleus prepositus hypoglossi. Brain Research 500. 276-286.
3. Mosfeldt Laursen, A., Rekling, J.C. (1989). Electrophysiological properties of hypoglossal motoneurones of guinea pigs studied in vitro. Neuroscience. 30(3), 619 637.
2. Kjoller, E., Rasmussen, C., Rekling J.C (1987). Beta blockers following acute myocardial infarct? Ugeskrift for Laeger 149: 50, 3397 3399.
1. Rekling, J.C. (1986) Molecular mechanisms and memory. Prize essay in medicine, Copenhagen University, awarded a gold medal.
1. Rekling, J. C. and Feldman, J.L. (1998) Prebötzinger complex and pacemaker neurons: Hypothesized site and kernel for respiratory rhythm generation. Annual Review of Physiology vol 60: 385-405.
2. Rekling, J. C., Funk, G. D., Bayliss, D. A., Dong, X-W, and Feldman, J. L. (2000) Synaptic control of motoneuronal excitability. Physiological Reviews April 1; 80(2): 767-852.
Chapters in books
Møller, M., Micic, A., Rekling. J.C. (1997). Morphological characterization of rat pineal explant cultures. In: Neuroendocrinology: Retrospect and Perspectives (eds., H.-W. Korf and K.H. Usadel). chapter 27, pp.357-366. Springer-Verlag; Heidelberg, New York 1997.
W.-C. Li, J.C. Rekling. (2017). Chapter 11 - Electrical Coupling in the Generation of Vertebrate Motor Rhythms, Pages 243-264. Network Functions and Plasticity. Perspectives from Studying Neuronal Electrical Coupling in Microcircuits. Edited by:Jian Jing. Academic Press, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-12-803471-2
Lab members
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Adam Ujhelyi | Research Assistant | Rekling Lab |
Esmira Mamedova | Postdoc | Imig Lab, Rekling Lab |
Jens Christian Rekling | Associate Professor | Rekling Lab |
Morten Bjerre | Laboratory Technician | Rekling Lab, Kermen Lab |