Gether Lab
Ulrik Gether’s lab has long-standing expertise in studying the molecular, cellular and physiological function of monoamine receptors and transporters.
The key goals of the Gether Lab include i) dissecting mechanisms controlling activity and availability of the monoamine (dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine) transporters and receptors in the synapse; ii) determining how these mechanisms are affected by disease and how they are modulated by drugs; iii) investigating how genetic variation in monoamine transporters and receptors contributes to diseases characterized by altered monoamine homeostasis; and iiii) developing genetic mouse models for these diseases and decipher the underlying disease biology. Currently, the main focus of Ulrik Gether’s research is on dopamine and on diseases characterized by dysfunctional dopamine homeostasis such as parkinsonism, ADHD, and addiction. We use advanced imaging tools (e.g. super-resolution microscopy and live single molecule imaging) and biochemical approaches to study the molecular organization of the monoaminergic presynapse including the role of synaptic scaffold proteins. We use classical pharmacological tools, biophysical techniques and electrophysiology to investigate the molecular phenotype of disease-associated missense mutations in the monoamine receptors/transporters and we develop knock-in mice expressing selected disease mutations as putative novel model for dopamine pathologies. Ulrik Gether’s lab has linked missense mutations in the dopamine transporter (DAT) to early-onset parkinsonism and ADHD and it is expected that the efforts will provide important new opportunities for correlating discrete changes in dopamine homeostasis to disease characteristics. Parallel work involves use of chemogenetics and optogenetics to dissect cellular mechanisms and monoaminergic circuits responsible for the pharmacological actions of psychostimulants (e.g. cocaine and amphetamine) and ADHD medication. Our translational strategy should have a strong potential for providing a path towards new therapeutic strategies for monoaminergic diseases.
- J.F. Støier, A. Konomi-Pilkati, M. Apuschkin, F. Herborg and U. Gether: Amphetamine-induced reverse transport of dopamine does not require cytosolic Ca2. J Biol Chem (2023) 299(8):105063. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2023.105063.
- S.H. Jørgensen, A.L. Ejdrup, M.D. Lycas, L.P. Posselt, K.L. Madsen, L. Tian, J.K. Dreyer, F. Herborg, A.T. Sørensen and U. Gether: Behavioral encoding across timescales by region-specific dopamine dynamics. Proc Natl Acad Sci (U.S.A.) (2023) 120(7):e2215230120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2215230120.
- M.D. Lycas, A.L. Ejdrup, A.T. Sørensen, N.O. Haahr, S.H. Jørgensen, D.A. G., J.F. Støier, C. Werner, A.H. Newman, M. Sauer, F. Herborg and U. Gether: Nanoscopic dopamine transporter distribution and conformation are inversely regulated by excitatory drive and D2-autoreceptor activity.
- Cell Reports (2022) 40(13):111431. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111431.
- A.L. Ejdrup, M.D. Lycas, N. Lorenzen, A. Konomi, F. Herborg, K.L. Madsen and U. Gether: A density-based enrichment measure for assessing colocalization in single-molecule localization microscopy data. Nature Communications (2022) 13(1):4388. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-32064-y.
- C.K. Herenbrink, J. F. Støier, W.D. Reith, A. Dagra, M.A.C. Gregorek, Y. Li, L. Tian, U. Gether and F. Herborg: Multimodal Detection of Dopamine by Sniffer Cells Expressing Genetically Encoded Fluorescence Sensors. Communications Biology (2022) J5(1):578. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03488-5
- R.C. Andersen, J.H. Schmidt, J. Rombach, M.D. Lycas, N.R. Christensen, V.K. Lund, D.S. Stapleton, S. S. Pedersen, M.A. Olsen, M. Stoklund, G. Noes-Holt, T.T. Nielsen, M.P. Keller, A.M. Jansen, R. Herlo, M. Pietropaolo, J.B. Simonsen, O. Kjærulff, B. Holst, A.D. Attie, U. Gether and K.L. Madsen: Coding variants identified in diabetic patients alter PICK1 BAR domain function in insulin granule biogenesis. J Clin Invest (2022) 132(5):e144904. doi: 10.1172/JCI144904.
- Sorensen, M. Rickhag, D. Leo, M.D. Lycas, P. H. Ridderstrom, P. Weikop, F. Herborg, D. Woldbye, G. Wortwein, R.R. Gainetdinov, A. Fink-Jensen and U. Gether: Disrupted PDZ-domain binding motif of the dopamine transporter uniquely alters nanoscale distribution, dopamine homeostasis and reward motivation. J Biol Chem (2021) 297(6):101361. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.101361.
- Herborg, K.L. Jensen, S. Tolstoy, N.V. Arends, L.P. Posselt, A. Shekar, J. Aguilar, Vi.K. Lund, K. Erreger, M. Rickhag, M.D. Lykas, M.N. Lonsdale, T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, A.T. Sørensen, A.H. Newman, A. Løkkegaard, O. Kjærulff, Werge, Li.B. Møller, H.JG Matthies, A.Galli, L.E. Hjermind, U. Gether: Dominant-negative actions of a dopamine transporter variant identified in patients with parkinsonism and neuropsychiatric disease.
- JCI Insight (2021) Aug 10;151496. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.151496.
- N.R. Christensen*, M. De Luca1*, M.B. Lever, M. Richner, A.B. Hansen, G. Noes-Holt, K.L. Jensen, M. Rathje, D.B. Jensen, S. Erlendsson, C.R.O. Bartling, I. Ammendrup-Johnsen, S.E. Pedersen, M. Schönauer, K.B. Nissen, S.R. Midtgaard, K. Teilum, L. Arleth, A.T. Sørensen, A. Bach, K. Strømgaard, C.F. Meehan, C.B. Vægter, U. Gether and K.L. Madsen: A high-affinity, bivalent PDZ domain inhibitor complexes PICK1 to alleviate neuropathic pain
- EMBO Mol Med (2020) 12(6):e11248.
- Gotfryd, T. Boesen, J.S. Mortensen, G. Khelashvili, M. Quick, D.S. Terry, J.W. Missel, M.V. LeVine, P. Gourdon, S.C. Blanchard, J.A. Javitch, H. Weinstein, C.J. Loland, P. Nissen and U. Gether: X-ray structure of LeuT in an inward-facing occluded conformation reveals mechanism of substrate release. Nature Communications (2020) 11(1), 1005.
Personal Data
Name: Ulrik Gether
Position: Professor of Neuropharmacology, Head of Department
1990 | Doctor of Medicine, University of Copenhagen (UCPH). |
2000 | Dr. Med. Sc., UCPH. Thesis published as review in Endocrine Rev. (cited 979 times) |
Appointments and Training
2017- | Professor of Neuropharmacology, Head of Department, Dep. of Neuroscience, UCPH |
2015-2017 | Professor of Neuropharmacology, Section Head, Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, UCPH, Denmark |
2001-2015 | Professor of Neuropharmacology, Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH, Denmark |
1996-2001 | Ole Rømer Associate Research Professor, Division of Cellular and Molecular Physiology, Department of Medical Physiology, UCPH, Denmark |
1993-1996 | Howard Hughes Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University Medical School, California, U.S.A. (laboratory of Nobel Laureate, Prof. Brian Kobilka) |
1991-1993 | Research Fellow, Lab. of Mol. Endocrinology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark |
1990 | Internship at Department of Medicine, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark |
1985-1990 | Student in Dr. Thue W. Schwartz's laboratory, Laboratory of Molecular Endocrinology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark |
Selected Awards and Honors
1993 | Fulbright Senior Scholarship |
1998 | Anna Bochardt’s Memorial Award |
1998 | Scientific Honorary Medal, Danish Society for Theoretical and Applied Therapy |
2002 | Elected Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters |
2012 | Recipient of ’Kirsten og Freddy Johansens Lægevidenskabelige Forskerpris 2012’ |
2015 | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science - Invitation Fellowship (invited 15 days trip with visit to six universities and research institutes) |
2017 | Recipient of the Order of the Dannebrog from her Majesty the Queen of Denmark |
2018 | Recipient of ”HN Prisen 2018” (Familien Hede Nielsens Fond) |
Selected Positions of Trust and Editorial Work
1996- | Ad hoc reviewer of manuscripts for Science, Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, Nature Chemical Biology, Nature Communication, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. J. Neuroscience etc. |
1999- | Numerous evaluation committees (PhDs, Drs. of Medical Sciences, Professorships) at Univ. of Copenhagen, Aarhus Univ., Karolinska, Oslo Univ., Linköping Univ.) |
2000-2006 | Board member, Danish Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology |
2003- | Executive Committee Member, ‘Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology’ |
2006- | Editorial Board Member, ‘Molecular Pharmacology’ |
2006-2010 | Elected as Vice chair and Chair of the Gordon Research Conference on ‘Membrane Transport Proteins in 2008 and 2010, respectively |
2008 | Chairman of AERES Evaluation Committee responsible for review of and site-visit at CNRS/INSERM laboratory at Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris |
2008-2011 | Associate Editor ‘Pharmacology and Therapeutics’ |
2012- | Editorial Board, ‘Journal of Biological Chemistry’ |
2015-2016 | Member of Program Committee for FENS (Federation of European Neuroscience Societies) Forum 2016, July 2016, Copenhagen |
2013-2018 | Independent Research Fund Denmark | Medical Sciences (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, Rådet for Sundhed og Sygdom). Vice Chair: 2015-17, Chair: 2017-18 |
2022- | Chair of Governing Board, Neuroscience Academy Denmark (neuroscience PhD program supported with DKK 187 M from the Lundbeck Foundation) |
Selected Other Scientific and Academic Activities
1993- |
Invited speaker at ~85 international scientific meetings. Recent examples include:
1992- | >60 guest lectures at universities and pharmaceutical companies |
1999-2016 | Partner in program project funded by the National Institute of Drugs Abuse under the NIH, U.S.A. (collaborators at Columbia, Vanderbilt and Cornell Universities) |
2002- | Ad hoc reviewer of grants for Israeli Science Foundation, National Science Foundation, U.S.A., Austrian Science Foundation, NIH and Human Frontiers Science Program |
2004 | Co-organizer of Benzon Symposium No. 51 entitled: ‘Neurotransmitter transporters: Basal function and drug targets’ |
2013 |
Co-organizer of Benzon Symposium No. 61 entitled: ‘Membrane proteins: structure, function and dynamics’, August 19-22 2013 |
2018 | Co-organizer of “GPCR Pharmacology: The Next Generation”, Oct 31-Nov 2, The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters Copenhagen |
2021 | Co-founder of Zyneyro (spin-out company focusing on neuropathic pain treatment) |
Leadership, Research Administration and Larger Grants
1996- | In charge of lab now counting 19 people (2 Assistant Professors, 3 post docs, 5 PhD students, 1 RA, 5 Master’s students and 2 techs). Supported by the Lundbeck Foundation, Independent Research Fund Denmark, EU and the Novo Nordisk Foundation. |
2004-2009 |
Director of ‘Center for Pharmacogenomics’ DKK 25 M from Danish Research Councils |
2008-2013 | PI, UCPH Program of Excellence (‘Stjerneprogram’) on ‘Biomolecular Scaffolding of Neurotransmitter Receptors and Transporters’ (DKK 25 M) |
2008-2013 | Co-PI (one of four) on UNIK Center of Excellence grant entitled ‘Synthetic Biology’ and awarded DKK 120 M from 2009-2014 (Director Prof. B. Lindberg Møller) |
2010-2015 | Director of ‘Lundbeck Foundation Center for Biomembranes in Nanomedicine’ awarded DKK 34 M from 2010-2015. |
2013-2017 |
PI, UCPH KU2016 Program of Excellence ‘Attention to Dopamine…’, - DKK 19 M |
2017-2020 | PI for "Larger biomedical Project", Lundbeck Foundation, DKK 10 M |
2019-2022 |
PI for thematic grant “What causes Brain Disease", Lundbeck Foundation, DKK 10 M |
2022-2027 | Recipient of a Lundbeck Foundation Professorship (DKK 40 M |
Selected Teaching and Supervision
1996- | Since 1996 main supervisor for 30 post docs, 32 PhD student and 37 MS students |
1996- | Pregraduate teaching in physiology and pharmacology (medical/human biology/dentistry students), including >1000 hours of lectures/class teaching plus diverse course leaderships |
201 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Several contributions to high impact journals (2 Nature, 1 Nature Neurosci, 7 Nature Comm, 1 Neuron, 1 Nature Chem Biol, 1 Nature Meth, 2 J Clin Invest, 4 PNAS, 1 PloS Biology, 1 Mol Psych, 1 EMBO Mol Med, 1 JCI Insight, 2 Elife, 4 Cell Rep, 2 Pharmacol Rev, 42 J Biol Chem). 21 papers as conference proceedings/comments/book chapters. Co-inventor on four patents/patent applications. Web of Science: H-index: 60, citations ~13,500; Google Scholar: H-index = 69, citations ~19,700 (ORCID ID 0000-0002-0020-3807).
Molecular biology: Mutagenesis, PCR, protein expression in mammalian cells/neurons and Xenopus laevis oocytes
Pharmacology: Uptake assays, radioligand binding assays, scintillation proximity binding [SPA], FRET-based sensors of intracellular signaling
Biochemistry: Protein expression/purification, western, Co-IP, fluorescent labeling
Imaging: Confocal fluorescence microscopy (including live imaging), immunohistochemistry, superresolution microscopy (PALM/STORM), single particle tracking, fluorescent ligands
Genetic mouse models (knock-out mice, knock-in mice, conditional knock-outs)
Mouse behavior: E.g. open field, EPM, 5-choice serial reaction time task etc.
Viral expression technique (including retrograde techniques) in vitro and in vivo for chemogenetics, optogenetics and other manipulations
Peer reviewed publications
201. |
J.F. Støier, A. Konomi-Pilkati, M. Apuschkin, F. Herborg and U. Gether: Amphetamine-induced reverse transport of dopamine does not require cytosolic Ca2. |
200. |
Falk, J. Petersen, C. Svendsen, C.R. Romero-Leguizamón, S.H. Jørgensen, N. Krauth, M.Q. Ludwig, K. Lundø, U. Roostalu, G. Skovbjerg, D.A. G. Nielsen, A.L. Ejdrup, T.H. Pers, O.Dmytriyeva, J. Hecksher-Sørensen, U. Gether, K.A. Kohlmeier and C. Clemmensen: GLP-1 and nicotine combination therapy engages hypothalamic and mesolimbic pathways to reverse obesity |
199. |
A.L. Ejdrup, J. Wellbourne-Wood, J.K. Dreyer, N. Guldhammer, M.D. Lycas, U. Gether, B.J. Hall and G. Sørensen: Within-mice comparison of microdialysis and fiber photometry-recorded dopamine biosensor during amphetamine response. |
198. |
S.H. Jørgensen, A.L. Ejdrup, M.D. Lycas, L.P. Posselt, K.L. Madsen, L. Tian, J.K. Dreyer, F. Herborg, A.T. Sørensen and U. Gether: Behavioral encoding across timescales by region-specific dopamine dynamics. |
197. |
M.E. Hervig, C. Toschi, A. Petersen, S. Vangkilde, U. Gether, T.W. Robbins: Theory of visual attention (TVA) applied to rats performing the 5-choice serial reaction time task: differential effects of dopaminergic and noradrenergic manipulations. |
196. |
Khanppnavar, J. Maier, F. Herborg, R. Gradisch, E. Lazzarin, D. Luethi, J-W Yang, C, Qi, M. Holy, K. Jäntsch, O. Kudlacek, K. Schicker, T. Werge, U. Gether, T. Stockner, V.M Korkhov, H.H. Sitte: Structural basis of organic cation transporter-3 inhibition. |
195. |
M.D. Lycas, A.L. Ejdrup, A.T. Sørensen, N.O. Haahr, S.H. Jørgensen, D.A. G., J.F. Støier, C. Werner, A.H. Newman, M. Sauer, F. Herborg and U. Gether: Nanoscopic dopamine transporter distribution and conformation are inversely regulated by excitatory drive and D2-autoreceptor activity. |
194. |
A.L. Ejdrup, M.D. Lycas, N. Lorenzen, A. Konomi, F. Herborg, K.L. Madsen and U. Gether: A density-based enrichment measure for assessing colocalization in single-molecule localization microscopy data. |
193. |
Toschi, M. El-Sayed Hervig, T. Burghi, T. Sell, M.D. Lycas, P. Moazen, L. Huang, U. Gether, T.W. Robbins and J.W. Dalley: Dissociating reward sensitivity and negative urgency effects on impulsivity in the five-choice serial reaction time task. |
192. |
C.K. Herenbrink, J. F. Støier, W.D. Reith, A. Dagra, M.A.C. Gregorek, Y. Li, L. Tian, U. Gether and F. Herborg: Multimodal Detection of Dopamine by Sniffer Cells Expressing Genetically Encoded Fluorescence Sensors. |
191. |
A.T. Sørensen, J. Rombach, U. Gether and K.L Madsen: The Scaffold Protein PICK1 as a Target in Chronic Pain. |
190. |
R.C. Andersen, J.H. Schmidt, J. Rombach, M.D. Lycas, N.R. Christensen, V.K. Lund, D.S. Stapleton, S. S. Pedersen, M.A. Olsen, M. Stoklund, G. Noes-Holt, T.T. Nielsen, M.P. Keller, A.M. Jansen, R. Herlo, M. Pietropaolo, J.B. Simonsen, O. Kjærulff, B. Holst, A.D. Attie, U. Gether and K.L. Madsen: Coding variants identified in diabetic patients alter PICK1 BAR domain function in insulin granule biogenesis. |
189. |
G. Sorensen, M. Rickhag, D. Leo, M.D. Lycas, P. H. Ridderstrom, P. Weikop, F. Herborg, D. Woldbye, G. Wortwein, R.R. Gainetdinov, A. Fink-Jensen and U. Gether: Disrupted PDZ-domain binding motif of the dopamine transporter uniquely alters nanoscale distribution, dopamine homeostasis and reward motivation. |
188. |
F. Herborg, K.L. Jensen, S. Tolstoy, N.V. Arends, L.P. Posselt, A. Shekar, J. Aguilar, Vi.K. Lund, K. Erreger, M. Rickhag, M.D. Lykas, M.N. Lonsdale, T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, A.T. Sørensen, A.H. Newman, A. Løkkegaard, O. Kjærulff, Werge, Li.B. Møller, H.JG Matthies, A.Galli, L.E. Hjermind, U. Gether: Dominant-negative actions of a dopamine transporter variant identified in patients with parkinsonism and neuropsychiatric disease. |
187. |
S.g Schmidt, U. Gether, C.J. Loland:Elucidating the Mechanism Behind Sodium-Coupled Neurotransmitter Transporters by Reconstitution. |
186. |
Ducrot, M.J. Bourque, C.V.L. Delmas, A.S. Racine, D. Guadarrama Bello, B. Delignat-Lavaud, M.D. Lycas, A. Fallon, C. Michaud-Tardif, S. Burke Nann, F. Herborg, U. Gether, A. Nanci, H. Takahashi, M. Parent, L.E. Trudeau: Dopaminergic neurons establish a distinctive axonal arbor with a majority of non-synaptic terminals. |
185. |
Toschi, M.E. Hervig, P. Moazen, M.G. Parker, J.W. Dalley, U. Gether. and T.W. Robbins: Adaptive aspects of impulsivity and interactions with effects of catecholaminergic agents in the 5-choice serial reaction time task: implications for ADHD. |
184. |
V.K. Lund, M.D. Lycas, A. Schack, R.C. Andersen, U. Gether and O. Kjaerulff: Rab2 drives axonal transport of dense core vesicles and lysosomal organelles. |
183. |
Christensen, S.E. Nørr, U. Gether, M. Rickhag: Direct-Pathway Spiny Projection Neuron Inhibition Evokes Transient Circuit Imbalance Manifested as Rotational Behavior. |
182. |
Guthrie, C. Klein Herenbrink, M. Lycas, T. Ku, A. Bonifazi, B. DeVree, S. Mathiasen, J. Javitch, J.B. Grimm, L.D. Lavis, U. Gether and A.H. Newman: Novel Fluorescent Ligands Enable Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy of the Dopamine Transporter. |
181. |
M.E. Jensen, A. Galli, M. Thomsen, K.L. Jensen, G.K. Thomsen, M.K. Klausen, T. Vilsbøll, M.B. Christensen, J.J. Holst, A. Owens, S. Robertson, L. Daws, D. Zanella, U. Gether, G.M. Knudsen and A. Fink-Jensen: Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor regulation of basal dopamine transporter activity is species-dependent. |
180. |
N.R. Christensen*, M. De Luca1*, M.B. Lever, M. Richner, A.B. Hansen, G. Noes-Holt, K.L. Jensen, M. Rathje, D.B. Jensen, S. Erlendsson, C.R.O. Bartling, I. Ammendrup-Johnsen, S.E. Pedersen, M. Schönauer, K.B. Nissen, S.R. Midtgaard, K. Teilum, L. Arleth, A.T. Sørensen, A. Bach, K. Strømgaard, C.F. Meehan, C.B. Vægter, U. Gether and K.L. Madsen: A high-affinity, bivalent PDZ domain inhibitor complexes PICK1 to alleviate neuropathic pain |
179. |
Plenge, A.M. Abramyan, G. Sørensen, A. Mørk, P. Weikop, U. Gether, B. Bang-Andersen, L. Shi, C.J. Loland.: The mechanism of a high-affinity allosteric inhibitor of the serotonin transporter. |
178. |
K. Gotfryd, T. Boesen, J.S. Mortensen, G. Khelashvili, M. Quick, D.S. Terry, J.W. Missel, M.V. LeVine, P. Gourdon, S.C. Blanchard, J.A. Javitch, H. Weinstein, C.J. Loland, P. Nissen and U. Gether: X-ray structure of LeuT in an inward-facing occluded conformation reveals mechanism of substrate release. |
177. |
N. Giguère, B. Delignat-Lavaud, F. Herborg, A. Voisin, Y. Li, V. Jacquemet, M. Anand-Srivastava, U. Gether , B. Giros and L.E. Trudeau.: Increased vulnerability of nigral dopamine neurons after expansion of their axonal arborization size through D2 dopamine receptor conditional knockout. |
176. |
A.H. Runegaard, D. Dencker, G. Wörtwein and U. Gether : G protein-coupled receptor signaling in VTA dopaminergic neurons bidirectionally regulates the acute locomotor response to amphetamine but does not affect behavioral sensitization. |
175. |
G.E. DiCarlo, J.I. Aguilar, H.J. Matthies, F.E. Harrison, K.E. Bundschuh, A. West, P. Hashemi, F. Herborg, M. Rickhag, H. Chen, U. Gether , M.T. Wallace and A Galli: Autism-linked dopamine transporter mutation alters striatal dopamine neurotransmission and dopamine-dependent behaviors. |
173. |
A. Bay Kønig, C. Ciriachi, U. Gether and M Rickhag: Chemogenetic Targeting of Dorsomedial Direct-pathway Striatal Projection Neurons Selectively Elicits Rotational Behavior in Mice. |
172. |
A.H. Runegaard, C.M. Fitzpatrick, D.P.D. Woldbye, J.T. Andreasen A.T. Sørensen and U. Gether : Modulating Dopamine Signaling and Behavior with Chemogenetics: Concepts, Progress and Challenges. |
171. |
S. Erlendsson, T.S Thorsen, G. Vauquelin, I. Ammendrup-Johnsen, V. Wirth, K.L. Martinez KL, K. Teilum, U. Gether and K.L. Madsen: Wirth, K.L. Martinez KL, K. Teilum, U. Gether and K.L. Madsen: Mechanisms of PDZ domain scaffold assembly illuminated by use of supported cell membrane sheets. |
170. |
C.M. Fitzpatrick, A.H. Runegaard, S.H. Christiansen, N.W. Hansen, S.H. Jørgensen, J.C. McGirr, A. de Diego Ajenjo, A.T. Sørensen, J.F. Perrier, A. Petersen, U. Gether , D.P.D. Woldbye and J.T. Andreasen: Differential effects of chemogenetic inhibition on dopamine and norepinephrine neurons in the mouse 5-choice serial reaction time task. |
169. |
A.H. Runegaard, K.L. Jensen, G. Wortwein and U. Gether : Initial rewarding effects of cocaine and amphetamine assessed in a day using the single-exposure place preference protocol. |
168. |
A.H. Runegaard, A.T. Sørensen, C.M. Fitzpatrick, S.H. Jørgensen, A.V. Petersen, N.W. Hansen, P. Weikop, J.T. Andreasen, J.D. Mikkelsen, J.F. Perrier, D. Woldbye, M. Rickhag, G. Wortwein and U. Gether : Locomotor- and Reward-Enhancing Effects of Cocaine Are Differentially Regulated by Chemogenetic Stimulation of Gi-Signaling in Dopaminergic Neurons. |
167. |
K.L. Jensen, G. Sørensen, D. Dencker, W.A. Owens, T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, M. Brett Lever, A.H. Runegaard, N. Riis Christensen, P. Weikop, G. Wörtwein, A. Fink-Jensen, K.L. Madsen, L. Daws, U. Gether and M. Rickhag M.: PICK1-Deficient Mice Exhibit Impaired Response to Cocaine and Dysregulated Dopamine Homeostasis. |
166. |
F.P. Mayer, D. Schmid, W.A. Owens, G.G. Gould, M. Apuschkin, O. Kudlacek, I. Salzer, S. Boehm, P. Chiba, P.H. Williams, H.H. Wu, U. Gether , W. Koek, L.C. Daws and H.H. Sitte: An unsuspected role for organic cation transporter 3 in the actions of amphetamine. |
165. |
R. Herlo, V.K. Lund, M.D. Lycas, A.M. Jansen, G. Khelashvili, R.C. Andersen, V.Bhatia, T.S. Pedersen, Pedro B.C. Albornoz, Niklaus Johner, Ina Ammendrup-Johnsen, Nikolaj Christensen, S.Erlendsson, M. Stoklund, J.B. Larsen, H. Weinstein, O. Kjærulff, D. Stamou, U. Gether and K.L. Madsen: An amphipathic helix directs cellular membrane curvature sensing and function of the BAR domain protein PICK1. |
164. |
P.S. Merkle PS, K. Gotfryd, M.A. Cuendet, K.Z. Leth-Espensen, U. Gether, C.J. Loland and K.D. Rand K.D.: Substrate-modulated unwinding of transmembrane helices in the NSS transporter LeuT. |
163. |
F. Herborg, T.F. Andreassen, F. Berlin, C.J. Loland and U. Gether : Neuropsychiatric disease-associated dopamine transporter genetic variants display heterogeneous molecular phenotypes |
162. |
K. L. Jensen, A.H. Runegaard, P. Weikop, U. Gether and M. Rickhag: Assessment of Dopaminergic Homeostasis in Mice by Use of High-performance Liquid Chromatography Analysis and Synaptosomal Dopamine Uptake. |
161. |
T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, M.D. Lycas, S. Erlendsson, J. Eriksen, M. Apuschkin, F. Vilhardt, T. N. Jørgensen, F. H. Hansen and U. Gether : Super-resolution microscopy reveals functional organization of dopamine transporters into cholesterol and neuronal activity-dependent nanodomains. |
160. |
A.H. Runegaard, K.L. Jensen, D. Dencker, G. Wörtwein and U. Gether : Subjective perception of cocaine reward in mice assessed by a single exposure place preference (sePP) paradigm. |
159. |
S.H. Jørgensen, C.M. Fitzpatrick, U. Gether , D. Woldbye and A.T. Sørensen: Chemogenetic Modulation of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Signalling in Visual Attention Research. |
158. |
S.E. Jacobsen, U. Gether , and H. Bräuner-Osborne: Investigating the molecular mechanism of positive and negative allosteric modulators in the calcium-sensing receptor dimer. |
157. |
S.E. Jacobsen, I. Ammendrup-Johnsen, A.M. Jansen, U. Gether , K.L. Madsen and H. Bräuner-Osborne: The GPRC6A Receptor displays Constitutive Internalization and Sorting to the Slow Recycling Pathway. |
156. |
S. Erlendsson, K. Gotfryd, F.H. Larsen, J.S. Mortensen, M.A. Geiger, B.J. van Rossum, H. Oschkinat, U. Gether , K. Teilum, C.J. Loland: Direct assessment of substrate binding to the Neurotransmitter:Sodium Symporter LeuT by solid state NMR. |
155. |
C. M. Fitzpatrick, M. Caballero-Puntiverio, U. Gether , T. Habekost, C. Bundesen, S. Vangkilde, D. P. Woldbye, J.T. Andreasen and A. Petersen A.: Theory of Visual Attention (TVA) applied to mice in the 5-choice serial reaction time task. |
154. |
A. Sohail, K. Jayaraman, S. Venkatesan, K. Gotfryd, M. Daerr, U. Gether, U, C.J. Loland, K.T. Wanner, M. Freissmuth, H.H. Sitte, W. Sandtner, and T. Stockner: The Environment Shapes the Inner Vestibule of LeuT. |
153. |
C. Billesbølle, J. Mortensen, A. Sohail, S. Schmidt, L. Shi, H.H. Sitte, U. Gether and C.J. Loland: Transition metal ion FRET uncovers K+ regulation of a neurotransmitter:sodium symporter |
152. |
A.H. Runegaard, K.L. Jensen, C.M. Fitzpatrick, D. Dencker, P. Weikop, U. Gether and Rickhag M.: Preserved dopaminergic homeostasis and dopamine-related behaviour in hemizygous TH-Cre mice. |
151. |
G. Khelashvili, S.G. Schmidt, L. Shi, J.A. Javitch, U. Gether , C.J. Loland, H. Weinstein: Conformational dynamics on the extracellular side of LeuT controlled by Na+ and K+ ions and the protonation state of E290. |
150. |
M. Caron and U. Gether : Structural biology: Antidepressants at work. |
149. |
A. Vuorenpää, I. Ammendrup-Johnsen, T.N. Jørgensen and U. Gether : A kinome wide screen identifies novel kinases involved in regulation of monoamine transporter function. |
148. |
A. Vuorenpää, T.N. Jørgensen, A.H. Newman, K.L. Madsen, M. Scheinin and U. Gether : Differential internalization rates and postendocytic sorting of the norepinephrine and dopamine transporters are controlled by structural elements in the N-termini. |
147. |
U. Knorr, P. Koefoed, C. Gluud, J. Wetterslev, P. Winkel, U. Gether , M. Vinberg, and L.V. Kessing: Effect of escitalopram versus placebo on GRα messenger RNA expression in peripheral blood cells of healthy individuals with a family history of depression - a secondary outcome analysis from the randomized AGENDA trial. |
146. |
M.A. Larsen, P. Plenge, J. Andersen, J.N. Eildal, A.S.Kristensen, K.P. Bøgesø, U. Gether , K. Strømgaard, B. Bang-Andersen, C.J. Loland: Structure-activity relationship studies of citalopram derivatives: examining substituents conferring selectivity for the allosteric site in the serotonin transporter. |
145. |
U. Knorr, P. Koefoed, M.H. Soendergaard, M. Vinberg, U. Gether , C. Gluud, J. Wetterslev, P. Winkel and L.V. KessingNo effect of escitalopram versus placebo on brain-derived neurotrophic factor in healthy individuals: a randomised trial. |
144. |
C.B. Billesbølle, M.B. Krüger, L. Shi, M. Quick, Z.Li, S. Stolzenberg, J. Kniazeff, K. Gotfryd, J. S. Mortensen, J.A. Javitch, H. Weinstein, C.J. Loland and U. Gether : Substrate-induced unlocking of the inner gate determines the catalytic efficiency of a neurotransmitter:sodium symporter. |
143. |
T.M. Axelsen, C.A. Navntoft, S.H. Christiansen, J. K Dreyer, J.B. Sørensen, U. Gether U and D.P. Woldbye: Optogenetics brings hidden neural mechanisms into the light and could become a future therapy. |
142. |
M. Apuschkin, S. Stilling, T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, G. Sørensen, G. Fortin, F. Herborg Hansen, J. Eriksen, L.E. Trudeau, K. Egerod, U. Gether , M. Rickhag: A novel dopamine transporter transgenic mouse line for identification and purification of midbrain dopaminergic neurons reveals midbrain heterogeneity. |
141. |
M.L. Karlsen1, T.S. Thorsen, N. Johner, I. Ammendrup-Johnsen, S. Erlendsson, X. Tian, J.B. Simonsen, R. Høiberg-Nielsen, N.M. Christensen, G. Khelashvili, W. Streicher, K. Teilum, B. Vestergaard, H. Weinstein, U. Gether , L. Arleth and K.L. Madsen: Structure of dimeric and tetrameric complexes of the BAR domain protein PICK1 determined by small-angle X-ray scattering. |
140. |
T. Steinkellner, T. Montgomery, T. Hofmaier, O. Kudlacek, J.-W. Yang, M. Rickhag, G. Jung, G. Lubec, U. Gether , M. Freissmuth and Harald Sitte: Amphetamine action at the cocaine- and antidepressant sensitive serotonin transporter is modulated by αCaMKII. |
139. |
S. Stolzenberg, M. Quick, C. Zhao, K. Gotfryd, G. Khelashvili, U. Gether , C.J. Loland, J.A. Javitch, S. Noskov, H. Weinstein and L. Shi: Mechanism of the association between Na+ binding and conformations at the intracellular gate in Neurotransmitter:Sodium Symporters. |
138. |
E. Cartier, P.J. Hamilton, A.N. Belovich A. Shekar, N.G. Campbell, C. Saunders, T.F. Andreassen, U. Gether , J. Veenstra-Vanderweele, J.S. Sutcliffe, P.G. Ulery-Reynolds, K. Erreger, H.J. Matthies and A. Galli: Rare autism-associated variants implicate syntaxin 1 (STX1 R26Q) phosphorylation and the dopamine transporter (hDAT R51W) in dopamine neurotransmission and behaviors. |
137. |
J. Rajamanickam, B. Annamalai, T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, S. Sundaramurthy, U. Gether , L.D. Jayanthi and S. Ramamoorthy: Akt-Mediated regulation of antidepressant-sensitive serotonin transporter function, cell surface expression and phosphorylation. |
136. |
P.S. Pinheiro, A.M. Jansen, H. de Wit, B. Tawfik, K.L. Madsen, M. Verhage, U. Gether and J.B. Sørensen: The BAR Domain Protein PICK1 Controls Vesicle Number and Size in Adrenal Chromaffin Cells. |
135. |
T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, T. Bay, J. Eriksen, U. Gether and T.N. Jørgensen: The serotonin transporter undergoes constitutive internalization and is primarily sorted to late endosomes and lysosomal degradation. |
134. |
S. Erlendsson, M. Rathje, P.O. Heidarsson, F.M. Poulsen, K.L. Madsen, K. Teilum and U. Gether : PICK1 (protein interacting with C-kinase 1) binding promiscuity relies on unconventional PDZ (PSD-95/Discs-large/ZO-1 homology) binding modes for non-class II PDZ ligands. |
133. |
L. Borre, T.F. Andreassen, L. Shi, H. Weinstei and U. Gether . The second sodium site in the dopamine transporter controls cation permeability and is regulated by chloride. |
132. |
V. Kumar, T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, C.B. Billesbølle, T.N. Jorgensen, U. Gether and A.H. Newman: Novel and high affinity fluorescent ligands for the serotonin transporter based on (s)-citalopram. |
131. |
F.H. Hansen, T. Skjørringe, S. Yasmeen, N.V. Arends, M.A. Sahai, K. Erreger, T. F. Andreassen, M. Holy, P.J. Hamilton, V. Neergheen, M. Karlsborg, A.H. Newman, S. Pope, S. JR. Heales, L. Friberg, I. Law, L.H. Pinborg, H.H. Sitte, C. Loland, L. Shi, H. Weinstein, A. Galli, L.E. Hjermind, L.B. Møller and U. Gether : Missense dopamine transporter mutations associate with adult parkinsonism and ADHD. |
130. |
T. Steinkellner, L. Mus, B. Eisenrauch, A. Constantinescu, D. Leo, L. Konrad, M. Rickhag, G. Sørensen , E.V. Efimova, E. Kong, M. Willeit, T.D. Sotnikova, O. Kudlacek, U. Gether , M. Freissmuth, D.D. Pollak, R.R. Gainetdinov and H,H, Sitte: In vivo Amphetamine Action is Contingent on αCaMKII. |
129. |
T. N. Jørgensen, P.M. Christensen and U. Gether : Serotonin-induced down-regulation of cell surface serotonin transporter. |
128. |
P.S. Chae, A.C. Kruse, K. Gotfryd, R.R. Rana, K.H. Cho, S.G. Rasmussen, H.E. Bae, R. Chandra, U. Gether , L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, C. J. Loland, B. Byrne and S.H. Gellman: Novel Tripod Amphiphiles for Membrane Protein Analysis. |
127. |
P.J. Hamilton, N.G. Campbell, S. Sharma, K. Erreger, F. Herborg Hansen, C. Saunders, A.N. Belovich, NIH ARRA Autism Sequencing Consortium, M.A. Sahai, E.H. Cook, U. Gether , H.S. McHaourab, H.J. Matthies, J.S. Sutcliffe and A. Galli: De novo mutation in the dopamine transporter gene associates dopamine dysfunction with autism spectrum disorder. |
126. |
M. Rathje, H. Fang, J.L. Bachman, V. Anggono, U. Gether , R.L. Huganir, K.L. Madsen: AMPA receptor pHluorin-GluA2 reports NMDA receptor-induced intracellular acidification in hippocampal neurons. |
125. |
M. Rickhag, W. A. Owens, M.T. Winkler, K. N. Strandfelt, M. Rathje, G. Sørensen, B. Andresen, K.L. Madsen, T.N. Jørgensen, G. Wörtwein, D.P. Woldbye, H. H. Sitte, L.C. Daws and U. Gether : Membrane-permeable C-terminal dopamine transporter peptides attenuate amphetamine-evoked dopamine release. |
124. |
M.H. Larsen, A. Albrechtsen, L.W. Thørner, T. Werge, T. Hansen, U. Gether , E. Haastrup and H. Ullum: Genome-Wide Association Study of Genetic Variants in LPS-Stimulated IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-1ra and TNF-α Cytokine Response in a Danish Cohort. |
123. |
B. Holst, K. L. Madsen, A. M. Jansen, C. Jin, M. Rickhag, V. K. Lund, M. Jensen, V. Bhatia, G. Sørensen, A. N. Madsen, Z. Xue, S. K. Møller, D. P.D. Woldbye, K. Qvortrup, R. Huganir, D. Stamou, O. Kjærulff and U. Gether : PICK1-Deficiency Impairs Secretory Vesicle Biogenesis and Leads to Growth Retardation and Decreased Glucose Tolerance. |
122. |
M. Rickhag, F. Herborg Hansen, G. Sørensen, K. Nørgaard Strandfelt, B. Andresen, K. Gotfryd, K. L. Madsen, I. Vestergaard-Klewe, I.n Ammendrup-Johnsen, J. Eriksen, A. H. Newman, E.-M. Füchtbauer, J. Gomeza, D. P. D. Woldbye, G Wörtwein and U. Gether : A C-terminal PDZ domain-binding sequence is required for striatal distribution of the dopamine transporter. |
121. |
P.S. Chae, R. R. Rana, K. Gotfryd, S. G. Rasmussen, A. C. Kruse, K. H. Cho, S. Capaldi, E. Carlsson, B.K. Kobilka, C. J. Loland, U. Gether , S. Banerjee, B. Byrne, L. K. Lee and S. H. Gellman: Glucose-Neopentyl Glycol (GNG) amphiphiles for membrane protein study. |
120. |
K.J. Simmons, K. Gotfryd, C. .B. Billesbølle, C. J. Loland, U. Gether , C.W. Fishwick, A.P. Johnson: A virtual high-throughput screening approach to the discovery of novel inhibitors of the bacterial leucine transporter, LeuT. |
119. |
P. Plenge, L. Shi, T. Beuming, A. H. Newman, H. Weinstein, U. Gether and C. J. Loland: The allosteric binding site for antidepressants in the serotonin transporter is located to the conserved extracellular vestibule. |
118. |
S. Bröer and U. Gether : The solute carrier family 6. |
117. |
U. Knorr, M. Vinberg, U. Gether , P. Winkel, C. Gluud, J. Wetterslev, L.V. Kessing: The effect of escitalopram versus placebo on perceived stress and salivary cortisol in healthy first-degree relatives of patients with depression-A randomised trial. |
116. |
P.S. Chae, S. G. Rasmussen, R. R. Rana, K. Gotfryd, A. C. Kruse, A. Manglik, K. H. Cho, S. Nurva, U. Gether , L. Guan, C. J. Loland, B. Byrne, B. K. Kobilka and S. H. Gellman: A new class of amphiphiles bearing rigid hydrophobic groups for solubilization and stabilization of membrane proteins. |
115. |
U. Knorr, M. Vinberg, E.L. Mortensen, P. Winkel, C. Gluud, J. Wetterslev and U. Gether : Effect of chronic escitalopram versus placebo on personality traits in healthy first-degree relatives of patients with depression: a randomized trial. |
114. |
K. L. Madsen, T. S. Thorsen, T. Rahbek-Clemmensen, J. Eriksen and U. Gether : Protein Interacting with C Kinase 1 (PICK1) Reduces Reinsertion Rates of Interaction Partners Sorted to the RAB11-Dependent Slow Recycling Pathway. |
113. |
I. Ammendrup-Johnsen, T. S. Thorsen, U. Gether and K. L. Madsen.: Serine 77 in the PDZ Domain of PICK1 Is a Protein Kinase Cα Phosphorylation Site Regulated by Lipid Membrane Binding. |
112. |
S.H. Vaz, T. N. Jorgensen, S. Cristovao-Ferreira, S. Duflot, J. A. Ribeiro, U. Gether , A. M. Sebastiao: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) enhances GABA transport by modulating the trafficking of GABA transporter-1 (GAT-1) from the plasma membrane of rat cortical astrocytes. |
111. |
A. S. Kristensen, J. Andersen, T. N. Jørgensen, L. Sørensen, J. Eriksen, C. J. Loland, K. Strømgaard and U. Gether : The SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters: Structure, function, and regulation. |
110. |
L. Olsen, T. Hansen, S. Djurovic, E. Haastrup, A. Albrecthsen, L. K. Hoeffding, A. Secher, O. Gustafsson, K. D. Jakobsen, F. C. Nielsen, H. Ullum, G. Morken, I. Agartz, I. Melle, U. Gether , O. A. Andreassen and Werge T: The Copy number variations in affective disorders and meta-analysis. |
109. |
U. Knorr, M. Vinberg, A. Hansen, M. Klose, U. Feldt-Rasmussen, L. Hilsted, J. Hasselstrøm, U. Gether , P. Winkel, C. Gluud, J. Wetterslev, L.V. Kessing: Escitalopram and neuroendocrine response in healthy first-degree relatives to depressed patients - a randomized placebo-controlled trial. |
108. |
T. S. Thorsen, K. L. Madsen, T. Dyhring, A. Bach, D. Peters, K. Strømgaard, L. C. B. Rønn and U. Gether : A Fluorescence Polarization Based Screening Assay for Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors of the PICK1 PDZ Domain. |
107. |
H. Bisgaard, M. Andreas B. Larsen, S. Mazier, T. Beuming, A. H. Newman, H. Weinstein, L. Shi, C. J. Loland and U. Gether : The binding sites for benztropines and dopamine in the dopamine transporter overlap. |
106. |
P. S. Chae, K. Gotfryd, J. Pacyna, L. J. Miercke, S. G. Rasmussen, R. A. Robbins, R. R. Rana, C. J. Loland, B. Kobilka, R. Stroud, B. Byrne, U. Gether , S. H. Gellman: Tandem facial amphiphiles for membrane protein stabilization. |
105. |
P. Seok Chae, S. G. F. Rasmussen, R. Rana, K. Gotfryd, R. Chandra, M. A. Goren,A. C. Kruse, S. Nurva, C. J. Loland, Y. Pierre, D. Drew, J. L. Popot, D. Picot, B. G. Fox, L. Guan, U. Gether , B., B. Kobilka and S. H. Gellman: Accessible new amphiphiles for solubilization, stabilization and crystallization of membrane proteins. |
104. |
A. Bach, N. Stuhr-Hansen, T.S. Thorsen, N. Bork, I. S. Moreira, K. Frydenvang, S. Padrah, S. B. Christensen, K. L. Madsen, H. Weinstein, U. Gether and K. Strømgaard: Structure-activity relationships of a small-molecule inhibitor of the PDZ domain of PICK1. |
103. |
J. D. Bukh, C. Bock, M. Vinberg, U. Gether and L. V. Kessing: Clinical utility of Standardised Assessment of Personality - Abbreviated Scale (SAPAS) among patients with first episode depression. |
102. |
J. Eriksen, W. E. Bjørn-Yoshimoto, T. N. Jørgensen, A. H.Newman and U. Gether : Postendocytic sorting of constitutively internalized dopamine transporter in cell lines and dopaminergic neurons. |
101. |
J. Mollenhauer, D. Stamou, A. Flyvbjerg, J. Wengel, U. Gether J. Kjems, T. Bjørnholm and F. Besenbacher: David versus Goliath. |
100. |
J.D. Bukh, C. Bock, M. Vinberg, U. Gether and L.V. Kessing: Gender differences among patients with a single depressive episode. |
99. |
C. Bock, J.D. Bukh, M. Vinberg, U. Gether and L.V. Kessing: The influence of comorbid personality disorder and neuroticism on treatment outcome in first episode depression. |
98. |
K. L. Madsen, V. K. Bhatia, U. Gether , D. Stamou: BAR domains, amphipathic helices and membrane-anchored proteins use the same mechanism to sense membrane curvature. |
97. |
S. Sucic, S. Dallinger, B. Zdrazil, R. Weissensteiner, T. N. JørgensenN, M. Holy, O. Kudlacek, S Seidel, J. H. Cha, U. Gether , A.H. Newman, G. F. Ecker, M. Freissmuth, H.H.Sitte: The amino terminus of monoamine transporters is a lever required for the action of amphetamines. |
96. |
J. Eriksen, T. N. Jørgensen and U. Gether : Regulation of dopamine transporter function by protein-protein interactions: new discoveries and methodological challenges (review). |
95. |
T. S. Thorsen, K. L. Madsen, N. Rebola, M. Rathje, V. Anggono, A. Bach, I. S. Moreira, N. Stuhr-Hansen, T. Dyhring, D. Peters, T. Beuming, R. Huganir, H. Weinstein, C. Mulle, K. Strømgaard, L. C. Rønn and U. Gether : Identification of a small molecule inhibitor of the PICK1 PDZ domain that inhibits hippocampal LTP and LTD |
94. |
J. D. Bukh, C. Bock, M. Vinberg, T. Werge, U. Gether , L. V. Kessing: No interactions between genetic polymorphisms and stressful life events on outcome of antidepressant treatment. |
93. |
V. Bhatia, K. Madsen , P.Y. Bolinger, A. Kunding, P. Hedegaard , U. Gether and D. Stamou: Amphipathic motifs in BAR domains are essential for membrane curvature sensing. |
92. |
A. M. Jansen, D. R. Nässel K. L. Madsen A. G. Jung, U. Gether , O. Kjaerulff O.: PICK1 expression in the Drosophila central nervous system primarily occurs in the neuroendocrine system. |
91. |
N. S. Hatzakisa, V. K. Bhatiaa, J. Larsen, K. L. Madsen, P. Bolinger, A. H. Kunding, J. Castillo, U. Gether , P. Hedegård and D. Stamou: How curved membranes recognize amphipathic helices and protein anchoring motifs. |
90. |
T. N. Rasmussen, P. Plenge, T. Bay, J. Egebjerg. and U. Gether : A single nucleotide polymorphism in the human serotonin transporter introduces a new site for N-linked glycosylation. |
89. |
J. Eriksen, S. G. F. Rasmussen, T .N. Rasmussen, C. Bjerggaard Vaegter, J. H. Cha, M. Zou, A. H. Newman and U. Gether : Visualization of dopamine transporter trafficking in live neurons by use of fluorescent cocaine analogues. |
88. |
A.K. Meinild, D.D. Loo, S. Skovstru, U. Gether and N. MacAulay: Elucidating conformational changes in the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-transporter-1. |
87. |
U. Knorr, M. Vinberg, M. Klose, U. Feldt-Rasmussen, L. Hilsted, A. Gade, E. Haastrup, O. Paulson, J. Wetterslev, C. Gluud, U. Gether , L. V. Kessing: Rationale and design of the participant, investigator, observer, and data-analyst-blinded randomized AGENDA trial on associations between gene-polymorphisms, endophenotypes for depression and antidepressive intervention: the effect of escitalopram versus placebo on the combined dexamethasone-corticotrophine releasing hormone test and other potential endophenotypes in healthy first-degree relatives of persons with depression. |
86. |
L. V. Kessing, J. D. Bukh, C. Bock, M. Vinberg and U. Gether : Does bereavement-related first episode depression differ from other kinds of first depressions? |
85. |
J. D Bukh, C. Bock, M. Vinberg, T. Werge and U. Gether and Vedel Kessing L.: Interaction between genetic polymorphisms and stressful life events in first episode depression. |
84. |
C. Bock, J.D. Bukh, M. Vinberg, U. Gether and Kessing LV.: Validity of the diagnosis of a single depressive episode in a case register. |
83. |
C. Bock, J.D. Bukh, M. Vinberg, U. Gether and L.V. Kessing LV.: Do stressful life events predict medical treatment outcome in first episode of depression? |
82. |
T.T. Lu, O. Lao, M. Nothnagel, O. Junge, S. Freitag-Wolf, A. Caliebe, M. Balascakova, J. Bertranpetit, L.A. Bindoff, D. Comas, G. Holmlund, A. Kouvatsi, M. Macek, I. Mollet, F. Nielsen, W. Parson, J. Palo, R. Ploski, A. Sajantila, A. Tagliabracci, U. Gether , T. Werge, F. Rivadeneira, F, Hofman A, Uitterlinden AG, Gieger C, Wichmann HE, Ruether A, Schreiber S, Becker C, P. Nürnberg P, M.R. Nelson, M. Kayser and M. Krawczak: An evaluation of the genetic-matched pair study design using genome-wide SNP data from the European population. |
81. |
O. Lao, T.T. Lu, M. Nothnagel, O. Junge, S. Freitag-Wolf, A. Caliebe, M. Balascakova, J. Bertranpetit, L.A. Bindoff, D. Comas, G. Holmlund, A. Kouvatsi, M. Macek, I. Mollet, W. Parson, J. Palo, R. Ploski, A Sajantila, A. Tagliabracci, U. Gether , T. Werge, F. Rivadeneira, A. Hofman , A.G. Uitterlinden, C. Gieger, H.E. Wichmann, A. Rüther, S. Schreiber, C. Becker, P. Nürnberg, M.R. Nelson, M. Krawczak and M. Kayser: Correlation between genetic and geographic structure in Europe. |
80. |
F. Binda, C. Dipace, E. Bowton, D. S. Robertson, B.J. Lute, J.U. Fog, M. Zhang, N. Sen, R.J. Colbran, M.E Gnegy, U. Gether , J.A Javitch, K. Erreger, A. Galli: Syntaxin1A Interaction with the dopamine transporter promotes amphetamine-Induced Dopamine Efflux. |
79. |
T. Beuming, J. Kniazeff, M. L. Bergmann, L. Shi, L. Gracia, K. Raniszewska, A. H.Newman, J. A. Javitch, H. Weinstein, U. Gether * , and C. J. Loland: The dopamine and cocaine binding site in the dopamine transporter are overlapping. |
78. |
K. L. Madsen, J. Eriksen, L. Milan-Lobo, D. Han, U. Henriksen, V. Bhatia, D. Stamou, H. H. Sitte, H. T. McMahon, H A. Weinstein and U. Gether : Membrane localization is necessary and sufficient for activation of the PICK1 BAR (Bin/amphyphysin/Rvs) domain. |
77. |
J. Kniazeff, L. Shi, C. J. Loland, J. A. Javitch, H. Weinstein and U. Gether : A conserved intracellular ionic network regulates conformational transitions in the dopamine transporter. |
76. |
I,V, Klewe, S.M. Nielsen, L. Tarpø, E. Urizar, C. Dipace, J.A. Javitch, U. Gether , J. Egebjerg, K.V. Christensen: Recruitment of beta-arrestin2 to the dopamine D2 receptor: Insights into anti-psychotic and anti-parkinsonian drug receptor signaling. |
75. |
I. Bartholomaeus, L. Milan-Lobo, A. Nicke, S. Dutertre, H. Hastrup, A. Jha, U. Gether , H.H. Sitte, H. Betz H, V. Eulenburg: Glycine transporter dimers: Evidence for occurrence in the plasma membrane. |
74. |
C.J. Loland, R. I. Desaib, M. Zouc, J. Caoc, P. Grundtc, K. Gerstbreind, H. H. Sitte, A. H. Newman, J. L. Katz and U. Gether : Relationship between conformational changes in the dopamine transporter and cocaine-like subjective effects of uptake inhibitors. |
73. |
M. Bassan, H. Liu, K. L. Madsen, J. Zhou, W. Chen, M. A. Brasch, J. Staudinger, T. DeSilva, U. Gether , N. Irwin and P. A. Rosenberg: Interaction Between the Glutamate Transporter GLT1b and the Synaptic PDZ Domain Protein PICK1. |
72. |
E. M. Adkins, J. U. Fog, J. Eriksen, D. J. Samuvel, L. D. Jayanthi, C. Bjerggaard Vaegter, S.Ramamoorthy and U. Gether : Membrane mobility and microdomain association of the dopamine transporter studied with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. |
71. |
P. Plenge, U. Gether and S. G. Rasmussen 2: Allosteric effects of R- and S-citalopram on the human serotonin transporter: Evidence for distinct high- and low-affinity binding sites. |
70. |
J. U. Fog, H. Khoshbouei, M. Holy, W. Owens, C. B. Vaegter, N. Sen, Y. Nikandrova, D.G. McMahon, R. J. Colbran, L. C. Daws, H. H. Sitte, J. A. Javitch, A. Galli and U. Gether : Calmodulin kinase II interacts with the dopamine transporter C-terminus to regulate amphetamine-induced reverse transport. |
69. |
U. Gether , P. H. Andersen, O. M. Larsson, and A. Schousboe: Neurotransmitter Transporters: Molecular function of important drug targets. |
68. |
K.M. Kahlig, B.J.Lute, Y. Wei, C.J. Loland, U. Gether , J.A. Javitch and A. Galli: Regulation of Dopamine Transporter Trafficking by Intracellular Amphetamine. |
67. |
L.D. Jayanthi, B. Annamalai, D.J. Samuvel, U. Gether and S. Ramamoorthy. Phosphorylation of the norepinephrine transporter at threonine 258 and serine 259 is linked to protein kinase C-mediated transporter internalization. |
66. |
C. Martinat, J.J. Bacci, T. Leete, J. Kim, WB Vanti, A.H. Newman, J.H. Cha, U. Gether , H. Wang and A. Abeliovich: Cooperative transcription activation by Nurr1 and itx3 induces embryonic stem cell maturation to the midbrain dopamine neuron phenotype. |
65. |
J. H. Cha, M. Zou, E. M. Adkins, S. G. F. Rasmussen, C. J. Loland, B. Schonenberger, U. Gether and A. H. Newman: Rhodamine Labeled - 2-carbomethoxy-3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)tropane Analogues as High Affinity Fluorescent Probes for the Dopamine Transporter. |
64. |
J. Kniazeff, C. J. Loland, N. Goldberg, M. Quick, S. Das, H. H. Sitte, J. A. Javitch and U. Gether : Intramolecular cross-linking in a bacterial homolog of mammalian SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters suggests an evolutionary conserved role of transmembrane segments 7 and 8. |
63. |
U. Henriksen, Jacob U. Fog., T. Litman and U. Gether : Identification of intra- and intermolecular disulfidebridges in the multidrug resistance transporter ABCG2. |
62. |
K.L. Madsen, T. Beuming, M.Y. Niv, V. Chang, K.K. Dev, H. Weinstein and U. Gether : Molecular determinants for the complex binding specificity of the PDZ domain in PICK1. |
61. |
U. Henriksen, U. Gether , and T. Litman : Effect of Walker A mutation (K86M) in the multidrug ATP-binding cassette half-transporter ABCG2 on dimerization and surface targeting in HEK293 cells. |
60. |
S.G.F. Rasmussen and U. Gether : Purification and fluorescent labeling of the human serotonin transporter. |
59. |
A.K. Meinild, H.H. Sitte and U. Gether : Zn2+ induces an uncoupled anion flux in the dopamine transporter. |
58. |
C. Bjerggaard, J. Fog, K. Madsen, H. Hastrup, J. Javitch and U. Gether : Surface targeting of the dopamine transporter involves discrete epitopes in the distal carboxyterminus but occurs independently of PDZ domain interactions. |
57. |
C.J. Loland C. Granas, J.A. Javitch and U. Gether : Identification of intracellular residues in the dopamine transporter critical for regulation of transporter conformation and cocaine binding. |
56. |
S.G.F. Rasmussen, E. Adkins and U. Gether : Structural and functional probing of the biogenic amine transporters by fluorescence spectroscopy (review). |
55. |
C.J. Loland, Kristine Nørgaard-Nielsen and U. Gether : Probing dopamine transporter structure and function by Zn2+-site engineering (review). |
54. |
L. Norregaard, C.J. Loland, and U. Gether : Evidence for distinct sodium, dopamine and cocaine dependent conformational changes in TM7 and TM8 of the dopamine transporter. |
53. |
N. MacAulay, A.K. Meinild, T. Zeuthen, U. Gether : Residues in the extracellular loop 4 are critical for maintaining the conformational equilibrium of the gamma -aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter-1. |
52. |
C. Granas, J. Ferrer, C.J. Loland, J.A. Javitch and U. Gether : N-terminal phosphorylation occurs independently of transporter internalization. |
51. |
U. Gether , F. Asmar, A.K. Meinild and S.G. Rasmussen: Structural basis for activation of G-protein-coupled receptors. |
50. |
N. MacAulay, T. Zeuthen and U. Gether : Conformational basis for the Li+-induced leak current in the -aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter-1. |
49. |
MacAulay N, Gether U, Klaerke DA, Zeuthen T.: Passive water and urea permeability of a human Na(+)-glutamate cotransporter expressed in Xenopus oocytes. |
48. |
K. Nørgaard-Nielsen, L. Norregaard, H. Hastrup, J.A. Javitch and U. Gether : Zn2+ site engineering at the oligomeric interface of the dopamine transporter. |
47. |
P. Scholze, L. Norregaard, E.A. Singer, M. Freissmuth, U. Gether , H.H. Sitte: The role of zinc ions in reverse transport mediated by monoamine transporters. |
46. |
C.J. Loland, L. Norregaard and U. Gether : Generation of an activating Zn2+ switch in the dopamine transporter: Mutation of an intracellular tyrosine constitutively alters the conformational equilibrium of the transport cycle. |
45. |
U. Gether and B. K. Kobilka: Use of fluorescence spectroscopy to study conformational changes in the 2-adrenoceptor. |
44. |
L. Norregaard and U. Gether : The monoamine neurotransmitter transporters: structure, conformational changes and molecular gating. |
43. |
N. MacAulay, A. Bendahan, C. J. Loland, T. Zeuthen, B. Kanner, and U. Gether : Engineered Zn2+ Switches in the GABA Transporter-1: Differential Effects on GABA Uptake and Currents. |
42. |
R. Seifert, K. Wenzel-Seifert, U. Gether , B. K. Kobilka: Functional Differences between Full and Partial Agonists: Evidence for Ligand-Specific Receptor Conformations. |
41. |
J. A. Ballesteros, A. D. Jensen, G. Liapakis, S.G.F. Rasmussen, L. shi, U. Gether , and J. Javitch : Activation of the b2 adrenergic receptor involves disruption of an ionic lock between the cytoplasmic ends of transmembrane segments 3 and 6 |
40. |
N. Boxenbaum, U. Gether , D. Klaerke and T. Zeuthen: Water transport by the glutamate EAAT-1 transporter. |
39. |
A. D. Jensen, F. Guarnieri, S.G.F. Rasmussen, F. Asmar, J. Ballesteros, and U. Gether : Mapping agonist-induced conformational changes at the cytoplasmic side of transmembrane segment 6 in the ß2 adrenergic receptor by site-selective fluorescent labeling. |
38. |
S.G.F. Rasmussen, A. D. Jensen, M.J. Maresch, I. Carroll, C. Tate, and U. Gether : Biophysical characterization of the cocaine binding pocket in the serotonin transporter using a fluorescent cocaine analogue as a molecular reporter. |
37. |
L. Norregaard, Irache Visiers, Claus J. Loland, Juan Ballesteros, Harel Weinstein and U. Gether : Structural probing of a microdomain in the dopamine transporter by engineering of artificial Zn2+ binding sites. |
36. |
P. Ghanouni, H.T. Schambye, R. Seifert, T.W. Lee, U. Gether and B.K. Kobilka: Evidence for protonation in ß2 adrenergic receptor activation: The effect of pH on receptor function. |
35. |
U. Gether : Uncovering Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Activation and inactivation of G Protein Coupled Receptors (disputats). |
34. |
C.J. Loland, L. Norregaard and U. Gether : Defining proximity relationships in the tertiary structure of the dopamine transporter: identification of a conserved glutamic acid as a third coordinate in the endogenous zn2+ binding site. |
33. |
R. Seifert R, U. Gether , K. Wenzel-Seifert, B.K Kobilka: Effects of guanine, inosine, and xanthine nucleotides on beta(2)-adrenergic receptor/G(s) interactions: evidence for multiple receptor conformations. |
32. |
S.G.F. Rasmussen, A. Dam Jensen, P. Ghanouni, G. Liapakis, J. Javitch and U. Gether : Mutation of a conserved aspartic acid in the ß2 adrenergic receptor: constitutive activation, structural instability, and conformational rearrangement of transmembrane segment VI. |
31. |
R. Seifert, K. Wenzel-Seifert, U. Gether , V.T. Lam and B.K. Kobilka: Examining the efficiency of receptor/G-protein coupling with a cleavable beta2-adrenoceptor-Gsalpha fusion protein. |
30. |
B. K. Kobilka, U. Gether , R. Seifert, S. Lin and P. Ghanouni : Characterization of ligand-induced conformational states in the beta 2 adrenergic receptor. |
29. |
L. Norregaard, D. Frederiksen, E. Ø. Nielsen, and U. Gether : Delineation of an endogenous zinc-binding site in the human dopamine transporter. |
28. |
U. Gether and B. Kobilka: G protein-coupled receptors. II. Mechanism of agonist activation. |
27. |
B.K. Kobilka, U. Gether , R. Seifert, S. Lin, P. Ghanouni: Examination of ligand-induced conformational changes in the beta2 adrenergic receptor. |
26. |
R Seifert, K. Wenzel-Seifert, T.W. Lee, U. Gether , E. Sanders-Bush, and B. Kobilka: Different effects of Gs,alpha splice variants on the ß2-adrenoceptor-mediated signalling: The ß2-adrenoceptor coupled to the long splice variant of Gs,alpha has properties of a constitutively active receptor. |
25. |
B.K. Kobilka and U. Gether : Examination of ligand-induced conformational changes in the beta2-adrenergic receptor by fluorescence spectroscopy. |
24. |
U. Gether , S. Lin, P.Ghanouni, J. Ballasteros, H. Weinstein and B.K.Kobilka: Agonists induce conformational changes in transmembrane segment III and VI of the ß2 adrenoceptor. |
23. |
U. Gether , J. Ballasteros, R. Seifert, E. Sanders-Bush, H. Weinstein and B.K. Kobilka: Structural instability of a constitutively activated ß2 adrenergic receptor: Agonist-independent activation due to conformational flexibility. |
22. |
S. Lin, U. Gether , and B. K. Kobilka: Ligand stabilization of the ß2 adrenergic receptor: Effect of DTT on receptor conformation monitored by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy. |
21. |
U. Gether , S. Lin and B.K. Kobilka: Fluorescent labeling of purified ß2 adrenergic receptor: Evidence for ligand-specific conformational changes. |
20. |
T.W. Schwartz, U. Gether , H.T. Schambye and S.A. Hjorth: Molecular mechanism of action of non-peptide ligands for peptide receptors. |
19. |
M.M. Rosenkilde, M. Cahir, U. Gether , S.A. Hjorth and T.W. Schwartz: Mutations along transmembrane segment II of the NK-1 receptor affect substance P competition with non-peptide antagonists but not substance P binding. |
18. |
U. Gether , L. Nelson, J. A. Lowe III and T.W. Schwartz: Specific amino acid residues at the top of transmembrane segment V and VI of the neurokinin-1 receptor involved in binding of the nonpeptide antagonist CP 96,345. |
17. |
U. Gether , X. Emondsalt, J-C. Breliere, T. Fujii, D. Hagiwara, L. Pradier, C. Garret,T. E. Johansen and T.W. Schwartz: Evidence for a common molecular mode of action for chemically distinct nonpeptide antagonists on the NK-1 receptor. |
16. |
C. J. Jensen, N.P. Gerard, T.W. Schwartz and U. Gether : The species selectivity of chemically distinct tachykinin nonpeptide antagonists are determined by common divergent residues of the rat and human neurokinin-1 receptors. |
15. |
S. Zoffmann, U. Gether and T.W. Schwartz: Conserved HisVI-17 of the NK-1 receptor is involved in binding of nonpeptide antagonists but not substance P. |
14. |
J. Dal Porto., T.E. Johansen, B. Catipovic, D.J. Parfiit, D. Tuveson, U. Gether , S. Kozlowski, D.T. Fearon and J. Schneck: A soluble class I major histo-compatibility complex molecule inhibits alloreactive T cells at nanomolar concentrations. |
13. |
U. Gether , Y. Yokota, X. Emonds-Alt, J-C. Breliere, J.A. Lowe III, R. M., Snider, S. Nakanishi and T.W. Schwartz: Two non-peptide tachykinin antagonists act through epitopes on corresponding segments of the NK-1 and NK-2 receptors |
12. |
U. Gether , T.E. Johansen and T.W. Schwartz: Chimeric NK1 (substance P)/ NK3 (neurokinin B) receptors: Identification of domains determining the binding specificity of tachykinin agonists. |
11. |
U. Gether , T.E. Johansen, R.M. Snider, J.A. Lowe III, S. Nakanishi & T.W. Schwartz: Different binding epitopes on the NK-1 receptor for substance P and a non-peptide antagonist. |
10. |
B. S. Wulff, B. Catipovic, H. Okamoto, U. Gether , Schwartz, T. W. and T.E. Johansen: Efficient amidation of C-peptide deleted NPY precursors by non-endocrine cells is affected by the presence of Lys-Arg at the C-terminus. |
9. |
U. Gether , T. Marray, T.W. Schwartz and T.E. Johansen: Stable expression of high affinity NK1 (substance P) and NK2 (neurokinin A) receptors but low affinity NK3 (neurokinin B) receptors in transfected CHO cells. |
8. |
D. Rønnov-Jessen, U. Gether and J. Fahrenkrug: PreproVIP derived peptides in tissue andplasma from patient with VIP-producing tumores. |
7. |
U. Gether , L.Aakerlund and T.W. Schwartz: Characterization of peptidyl-glycine-alfa-amidation activity in Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma cells, Pheochromocytomas and human serum. |
6. |
L. Aakerlund, U. Gether , J. Fuhlendorff, O. Thastrup, and T.W. Schwartz: Y1 receptors for neuropeptide Y are coupled to mobilization of intracellular calcium and inhibition of adenylate cyclase. |
5. |
J.Fuhlendorff, U. Gether , L.Aakerlund, N.Langeland, H.Thøgersen, S.G. Melberg, O.Thastrup, U.B. Olsen & T.W.Schwartz: [Leu31,Pro34]Neuropeptide Y - a specific Y1- receptor agonist. |
4. |
U. Gether , H.V. Nielsen, and T.W. Schwartz: Tyrosylation and purification of peptides for radioiodination. |
3. |
T.W. Schwartz, H.F. Hansen, U. Gether and L. Aakerlund: Processing or inactivation of toad antimicrobial peptides. |
2. |
M.M.T. O'Hare, O. Tortora, U. Gether , H.V. Nielsen, and T.W. Schwartz: High-performance liquid chromatography of phenylthiocarbamyl derivatives of amino acids and side-chain derivatized amino acids. |
1. |
H.V. Nielsen, U. Gether and T.W. Schwartz: Cat pancreatic eicosapeptide and its biosynthetic intermediate. |
Book chapters, proceedings and other publications
19. |
H. Bräuner-Osborne, M.M. Rosenkilde, U. Gether and D.E. Gloriam: G protein-coupled receptor pharmacology: the next generation. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol (2019) [Epub ahead of print] |
18. |
K. Brosen, U. Simonsen and U. Gether: Professor Arvid Carlsson (25 January 1923 to 29 June 2018) Obituary Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol (2018) 123, 521-522 |
17. |
C.J. Loland and U. Gether : ‘Neurotransmitter transporters: structure and function’ in ‘Texbook of Drug Design and Discovery’, 5th edition (eds.. U. Madsen, P. Krogsgaard-Larsen and K. Strømgaard), Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2015. |
16. |
U. Gether : ‘Serotonin og serotonerg farmakologi’ in ‘Basal og klinisk Farmakologi, 5th edition (eds. K. Brøsen, U. Simonsen, J.P. Kampmann and S. Thirstrup), FADL’s Forlag 2014 |
15. |
M. Rathje, H. Fang, J.L. Bachman, V. Anggono, U. Gether , R.L. Huganir, K.L. Madsen: Reply to Wilkinson et al.: Concerning the use of pHluorin-tagged GluA2 as a reporter for NMDA-induced AMPA receptor recycling. |
14. |
P.J. Hamilton, N.G. Campbell, S. Sharma, K. Erreger, F. Herborg Hansen, C. Saunders, A.N. Belovich, NIH ARRA Autism Sequencing Consortium, M.A. Sahai, E.H. Cook, U. Gether , H.S. McHaourab, H.J. Matthies, J.S. Sutcliffe and A. Galli: Drosophila melanogaster: a novel animal model for the behavioral characterization of autism-associated mutations in the dopamine transporter gene. |
13. |
C.J. Loland and U. Gether : ‘Neurotransmitter transporters: structure and function’ in ‘Texbook of Drug Design and Discovery’, 4th edition (ed.. U. MAdsen), Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2009. |
12. |
S.G.F. Rasmussen and U. Gether : Molecular Mechanisms of GPCR Activation. G-Protein-Coupled Receptors as Drug Targets: Analysis of Activation and Constitutive Activity (eds. Roland Seifert, Thomas Wieland) in Methods and Principles of Medicinal Chemistry Vol. 24 (series eds. R.Mannhold, H.Kubinyi, and G.Folkers), Wiley Inc., 2005, pp. 27-42 |
11. |
K. Nørgaard-Nielsen and U. Gether : Zn2+ modulation of neurotransmitter transporters. |
10. |
C.J. Loland and U. Gether : Insights from endogenous and engineered Zn2+-binding sites in monoamine transporters. In Strategies of Molecular Neuropharmacology (eds. H. Brauner-Osborne and A. Schouboe) Humana Press, 2004 |
9. |
S.G.F. Rasmussen and U. Gether : Structural basis for activation of G protein coupled receptors. In Structure and function of GPCRs in the nervous system (eds. M.N. Pangalos and C.H. Davies) Oxford Press, 2002. |
8. |
U. Gether , C.J. Loland and L. Norregaard: Delineating Structure-Function Relationships in the Dopamine Transporter from Natural and Engineered Zn2+ Binding Sites. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Membrane Receptors, Signal Transduction and Drug Action, Yokohama 2000. |
7. |
A. D. Jensen and U. Gether : Assessing adrenergic receptor using chemically reactive fluorescent probes. In Adrenergic Receptor Protocols, pp. 345-361 (ed. C. Machida) in the Methods for Molecular Biology (series ed. J. Walker), Humana Press Inc., 2000 |
6. |
U. Gether and B.K Kobilka: Direct assessment of conformational changes in G protein coupled receptors using fluorescence spectroscopy. In Signal Transduction - A practical Approach, pp. 1-17 (ed. G. Milligan ) in the The practical Approach series, 2nd edition (series ed. B.D. Hames), Oxford University Press, Oxford 1999. |
5. |
U. Gether : Fluorescence spectroscopy analysis of conformational changes in the ß2 adrenergic receptor. In Structure/Function of G-protein coupled receptors, pp.315-334 (ed. J. Wess) in the Receptor Biochemistry and Methodology series (series eds D.R. Sibley and C.A. Strader), Wiley & Sons, New York 1999. |
4. |
U. Gether , S.Lin and B.K. Kobilka: Delineating ligand-specific structural changes in adrenergic receptors by use of fluorescence spectroscopy. In Proceedings of the ASPET Symposium, Alpha2-Adrenergic Receptors: Structure, Function and Therapeutic Implications, Satellite Symposium of the 9th International Conference on Second Messengers and Phosphoproteins, Nashville 1995, pages 31-43 (eds. S. Lanier and L. Limbird), Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam 1997. |
3. |
B.K. Kobilka and U. Gether : Adrenergic Receptor Signal Transduction. In Structure and Function of 7TM receptors, Alfred Benzon Symposium 39, pages 171-179 (eds: T.W. Schwartz, S.A. Hjorth and J. Sandholm Kastrup) Munksgaard, Copenhagen 1995. |
2. |
U. Gether , J.A. Lowe III and T. W. Schwartz: Tachykinin non-peptide antagonists: binding domain and molecular mode of action. |
1. |
U. Gether , T. E. Johansen, R. M. Snider, J. A. Lowe III, X. Emonds-Alt, Y. Yokota, S. Nakanishi and T.W. Schwartz: Binding epitopes for peptide and non-peptide antagonists on the NK-1 (substance P) receptor. |
3. |
Inhibitors of PICK1 and uses thereof K. L. Madsen, K. Strømgaard, U Gether A. Bach, N. Riis Christensen |
2. |
K. L. Madsen, T.S. Thorsen, D. Peters, T. Dyhring, L.C. Rønn and U. Gether : PDZ domain modulators” |
1. |
J. B. Jensen, L. S. Madsen, U. Gether and B.S. Jensen: Transporter arrays and methods and kits for producing and using the arrays. |
Lab members
Name | Title | Job responsibilities | |
Search in Name | Search in Title | Search in Job responsibilities | |
Ainoa Konomi Pilkati | Research Assistant | Gether Lab. |
Amr Abdeen | Postdoc | Gether Lab |
Anna Campana | Postdoc | Gether Lab |
Carl-Fredrik Bowin | External Postdoc | Gether Lab |
Donna Grazyna Czerny | Laboratory Coordinator | Gether lab |
Felix Paul Anton Mayer | Postdoc | Gether Lab |
Frederikke Sofia Børthy Petersen | Master-Student | Gether Lab |
Freja Herborg | Associate Professor | Gether lab |
Gustav Johan Aakerlund Andersen | Master-Student | Gether Lab |
Hayley Beth Burm | Academic Research Staff | Gether Lab |
Ida Sabroe | Master-Student | Gether Lab |
Jade Degrandmaison | Postdoc | Gether Lab |
Jamila Probst Schiødte H Lilja | PhD Fellow | Gether Lab |
Jan Hendrik Schmidt | Postdoc | Gether lab |
Julia Coll Marques | PhD Fellow | Gether Lab |
Karl Mattias Rickhag | Associate Professor | Gether Lab |
Leonie Pauline Posselt | Research Assistant | Gether lab |
Lucia Paggi | Master-Student | Gether Lab |
Samuel Elliott Ovrom | PhD Fellow | Gether Lab |
Sebastian Hammer Eliassen | Research Assistant | Gether Lab |
Søren Heide Jørgensen | Academic Research Staff | Gether Lab |
Ugne Kisieliute | Master-Student | Gether Lab |
Ulrik Gether | Head of Department, Professor | Gether lab |
wnz529 wnz529 | Postdoc | Gether Lab |