Løland Lab

The Løland lab focuses on structure-function relationships in membrane transporters with focus on the Neurotransmitter:Sodium Symporter (NSS) class of proteins.

Claus Løland info













  • G. Schmidt, A. Nygaard, J.A. Mindell, C.J. Loland 
    “Exploring the K+ binding site and its coupling to transport in the neurotransmitter:sodium symporter LeuT”
    eLife (2023) Accepted
  • G. Schmidt, M.G. Malle, A.K Nielsen, S.S.-R. Bohr, C.F. Pugh, J.C. Nielsen, I.H. Poulsen, K.D. Rand, N.S. Hatzakis, C.J. Loland
    “The dopamine transporter antiports potassium to increase the uptake of dopamine”
    Nature Communications (2022) 13:2446. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30154-5
  • F. Pugh, B.T. DeVree, S.G Schmidt, C.J. Loland
    “Pharmacological characterization of purified full-length dopamine transporter from Drosophila melanogaster
    Cells (2022), 11(23):3811, doi: 10.3390/cells11233811
  • Plenge, D. Yang, K. Salomon, L. Laursen, I.E. Kalenderoglou, A.H. Newman, E. Gouaux, J.A. #Coleman, #C.J. Loland
    “The antidepressant drug vilazodone is an allosteric inhibitor of the serotonin transporter”
    Nature Communications (2021) p12, doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25363-3
  • Plenge, A.M. Abramyan, G. Sørensen, A. Mørk, P. Weikop, U. Gether, B. Bang-Andersen, L. Shi*, C.J. Loland*
    “The mechanism of a novel high-affinity allosteric inhibitor of the serotonin transporter”
    Nature Communications (2020) 11:1491. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15292-y
  • Gotfryd, T. Boesen, J.S. Mortensen, G. Khelashvili, M. Quick, D.S. Terry, J.W. Missel, M.V. LeVine, P. Gourdon, S.C. Blanchard, J.A. Javitch, H. Weinstein, C.J. Loland*, P. Nissen*, U. Gether*
    “Mechanism of substrate release in neurotransmitter:sodium symporters: the structure of LeuT in an inward-facing occluded conformation”
    Nature Communications (2020) 11(1):1005. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14735-w.
  • K. Nielsen, I.R. Möller, Y. Wang, S.G.F. Rasmussen, K. Lindorff-Larsen, K. Rand*, C.J. Loland*
    ”Substrate-Induced Conformational Dynamics of the Dopamine Transporter”
    Nature Communications (2019), 10(1): 2714, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10449-w
  • R. Möller, M. Silvacka, A.K. Nielsen, S.G.F. Rasmussen, U. Gether, C.J. Loland*, K. Rand*
    “Conformational Dynamics of the Human Serotonin Transporter during Substrate and Drug Binding”
    Nature Communications (2019), 10(1):1687. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09675-z
  • Erlendsson, K. Gotfryd, F.H. Larsen, J.S. Mortensen, M-A. Geiger, B-J van Rossum, H. Oschkinat, U. Gether, K. Teilum*, C.J. Loland*
    “Direct Assessment of Substrate Binding to the Neurotransmitter:Sodium Symporter LeuT by Solid State NMR”
    eLife (2017), doi: 10.7554/eLife.19314
  • B. Billesbølle, J.S. Mortensen, A. Sohail, S.G. Schmidt, L. Shi, H.H. Sitte, U. Gether, C.J. Loland
    “Transition metal ion FRET uncovers K+ regulation of a neurotransmitter:sodium symporter”
    Nature Communications (2016) doi: 10.1038/NCOMMS12755.















CV for Claus J. Løland

Age: 52, married, two children (age 21 and 23)


Published peer reviewed papers: 108 (1999-2023), 5 Books/chapters, 1 patent application. H-index: 37 (i10-index: 79), >5300 citations (Source: Google Scholar)
First author: 11
Corresponding author: 16


Structure-function relationships in membrane transport proteins. Elucidating conformational dynamics, ligand binding sites, ion-dependence etc. Use cryo-EM structure, fluorescence, molecular pharmacology, MD simularions etc.

Education and training
Research Management Master Class. 3 days by SIMI Executive
Research Management Course. 9 days. Copenhagen Business School
Education in university teaching and pedagogy (Adjunktpædagogikum)
PhD, Graduate School of Neuroscience
MSc in Human Biology
2019- Professor in Molecular Neurophysiology
2017-19 Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Neurosci
2009-17 Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Neurosci & Pharmacol
2005-8 Ass. Prof., Dept. of Pharmacol
2003-5 Post Doc, Dept. of Pharmacol, UCPH
Fellowships and Awards
2019 Univ Sydney Partnership Award.
2012 Sapere Aude Young Research Leader Award
2006 Young Elite Researcher's Award
2003-6 Post Doc fellowship, Carlsberg Foundation
2000-3 PhD scholarship, UCPH
Supervision and Teaching
2022- Head of studies, Human Biology
2015-20 Chair, Board of Studies, Human Biology, Neurosci & Immunol
2005- Supervision of 18 MSc, 14 PhDs, 8 post docs.
2005- Lecturer for students in medicine, odontology and human biology. ~100 lectures/yr
2022- Course leader: Master thesis for Human Biology students
2022- Course leader: Internships for Human Biology students
2008- Course leader: Pharmacology & Toxicology (7.5 ECTS)
Organisation of Meetings
2022 Chair, International ITTS meeting, 4 days. Copenhagen
2018 ITTS meeting. 4 days. Vienna
2015+16 DSFTM annual meeting, Denmark
2014 Chair, Scandinavian Physiological Society Symposium. Sweden
2013 Chair, the 59th International Benzon Symposium: “Membrane Proteins – Structure, Function and Dynamics” Sct. Petri Hotel, CPH. 24 invited speakers, incl 3 Nobel Laureates
2013 Chair, Danish Society for Pharmacology annual meeting
Institutional responsibilities
2022- Chair of Academic Council at SUND
2016- Member, Educational Council, School of Medical Sciences
2015- Board member, educational leaders of the Faculty
2010-17 PhD coordinator
Reviewing Activities

Review of manuscripts from Nature, British Medical Journal, Nat Chem Biol, Nat Commun, Mol Cell, Biol Psych, Sci Rep, Biol Pharm, J Med Chem, J Biol Chem etc.

2020- Reviewing Editor, Frontiers in Physiology
2018-19 Editorial board, special issue in Neuropharmacology
2018 Reviewer, grant proposals, French National Research Agency
2017 Reviewer, grant proposals, Institut National du Cancer, France
2016 Reviewer, grant proposals for the EMBL node DANDRITE
2022- Vice Chair, Society for Integrative Structural Biology at UCPH (ISBUC)
2018- Executive committee, International Transmembrane Transporter Society (ITTS)
2000-16 Executive committee, Danish Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology
Selected Active Collaborations
  • Prof. B Kobilka (Nobel Laureate), Stanford University
  • E Gouaux (HHMI investigator), Vollum Inst, OHSU
  • Prof. A Kruse, Harvard Medical School
  • B Bang-Andersen, Lundbeck A/S
  • Prof. Poul Nissen. AU
  • PI L. Shi, NIDA-NIH
  • Prof. Chae, Hanyang Univ. South Korea
  • Assoc Prof N. Hatzakis, Dept Chemistry, UCPH
  • Assoc. Prof. N Taylor, NNF-CPR, UCPH
  • Prof K Rand. Dept. of Pharmacy. UCPH
Partnership in Research Centers
 BioSynergy, UCPH Excellence Programme for Interdisciplinary Research
Lundbeck Foundation Research Center for Biomembranes in Nanomedicine
UNIK Research Center “Synthetic Biology”
 “BioScaRT” Research Center. UCPH Program of Excellence

Total personal share 2000-2023: ~40 M DKK

Current grants

  1. Independent Research Fund Denmark, Dkr 2.8 M (2023-2026), includes 3y salary for PhD stud.
  2. NFF grant for Basic Biomedical Sciences, Dkr 3.0 M (2023-2026).
  3. ERC Marie Sklodowska-Curie International Training Network, Dkr. 2.0 M (2019-2023)
  4. LF Ascending Investigator, Dkr 5 M (2020-23), Includes salary for post doc (3y) and PhD stud (3y). Committed research time: 25%
  5. Independent Research Fund Denmark, Dkr 2.8 M (2021-2023), includes 3y salary for PhD stud. Committed research time: 15%











Total number of accepted peer reviewed publications: 108
- of which are reviews: 7
Patent applications: 1
Book chapters/Special editor: 6
Number of citations >5300, H-index: 37; i10-index; 78 (Source: Google)
First authorships: 11; Correspondences: 16.
#shared correspondence; IF: Journal impact factor at the year of publication
p: number of article pages (excl. suppl. material)

I. Peer reviewed Publications

I.I Articles

103. G. Schmidt, A. Nygaard, J.A. Mindell, C.J. Loland
“Exploring the K+ binding site and its coupling to transport in the neurotransmitter:sodium symporter LeuT”
eLife (2023) Accepted for Publication (IF: 8.7)

102. Niello, S. Sideromenos, R. Gradisch, R. O Shea, J. Schwazer, J. Maier, N. Kastner, W. Sandtner, K. Jäntsch, C.R. Lupica, A.F. Hoffman, G. Lubec, C.J. Loland, T. Stockner, D.D. Pollak, M.H. Baumann, H.H. Sitte.
“Persistent binding at dopamine transporters determines sustained psychostimulant effects”
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2023), e2114204120. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2114204120.
(IF: 12.8)

101. Ghani, X. Zhang, C.F. Munk, P. Hariharan, B. Lan, H.S. Yun, B. Byrne, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, X. Liu, P.S. Chae
“Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane Linker-Bearing Triazine-Based Triglucosides for Solubilization and Stabilization of Membrane Proteins.”
Bioconjugate Chemistry (2023). doi: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.3c00042. (IF: 6.1)


100. G. Schmidt, M.G. Malle, A.K. Nielsen, S.S. Bohr, C.F. Pugh, J.C. Nielsen, I.H. Poulsen, K.D. Rand, N.S. Hatzakis, C.J. Loland
“The dopamine transporter antiports potassium to increase the uptake of dopamine”
Nature Communications (2022) p12, doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30154-5 (IF: 14.92)

99. F. Pugh, B.T. DeVree, S.G Schmidt, C.J. Loland
“Pharmacological characterization of purified full-length dopamine transporter from Drosophila melanogaster
Cells (2022), 11(23):3811, doi: 10.3390/cells11233811 (IF: 6.70) 

98. Calugareanu, I.R. Möller, S.G. Schmidt, C.J. Loland, K.D. Rand
“Probing the impact of temperature and substrates on the conformational dynamics of the Neurotransmitter:Sodium symporter LeuT”
Journal of Molecular Biology (2022) p15, doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2021.167356 (IF: 5.47)

97. S. Lee, M. Das, F. Mahler, W. Ahmed, H. Wang, J.S. Mortensen, P. Hariharan, L- Ghani, B. Byrne, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, S. Keller, P.S. Chae.
“3,4-Bis(hydroxymethyl)hexane-1,6-diol-based Maltosides (HDMs) for Membrane-Protein Study: Importance of Detergent Rigidity-Flexibility Balance in Protein Stability.”
Chemistry an Asian Journal (2022) doi: 10.1002/asia.202200941 (IF: 14.92)

96. J. Lee, M. Ehsan, X. Zhang, S. Katsube, C.F. Munk, H. Wang, W. Ahmed, A. Kumar, B. Byrne, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, X. Liu, P.S. Chae
“Development of 1,3-acetonedicarboxylate-derived glucoside amphiphiles (ACAs) for membrane protein study”
Chemical Science (2022) p9, doi: 10.1039/d2sc00539e (IF: 9.83)

95. J. Lee, M. Das, F. Mahler, W. Ahmed, J.S. Mortensen, P. Hariharan, L. Ghani, B. Byrne, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, S. Keller, P.S. Chae
“3,4-Bis(hydroxymethyl)hexane-1,6-diol-based Maltosides (HDMs) for Membrane-Protein Study: Importance of Detergent Rigidity-Flexibility Balance in Protein Stability.”
Chemistry – An Asian Journal (2022), doi: 10.1002/asia.202200941 (IF: 4.57)

94. J. Semple, D. Staerk, B. Buirchell, R.M. Fowler; O Gericke, L. Kjærulff, Y. Zhao, H. Pedersen, M. Petersen, L. Rasmussen, E. Bredahl, G. Pedersen, L. McNair, C. Ndi, A.M. Heskes, M.J. Bayly, C.J. Loland, N. Heinz, B.L. Møller
“Biodiscoveries within the Australian plant genus Eremophila based on international and interdisciplinary collaboration: the science and perspectives on outstanding ethical dilemmas”
Plant Journal (2022) 111(4):936-953 doi: 10.1111/tpj.15866 (IF: 6.42)

93. Ghani, S. Kim, H. Wang, H.S. Lee, J.S. Mortensen, S. Katsube, Y. Du, A. Sadaf, B. Byrne, M. Ehsan, H. Wang, S. Katsube, C.F. Munk, Y. Du, T. Youn, S. Yoon, B. Byrne, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, W. Im, P.S. Chae, W. Ahmed
“Foldable detergents for membrane protein study: Importance of detergent core flexibility in protein stabilization”
Chemistry – A European Journal (2022) p8, doi: 10.1002/chem.202200116 (IF: 5.24)

92. Ehsan, H. Wang, S. Katsube, C.F. Munk, Y. Du, T. Youn, S. Yoon, B. Byrne, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae
“Glyco-Steroidal Amphiphiles (GSAs) for Membrane Protein Structural Study”
ChemBioChem (2022) p9, doi: 10.1002/cbic.202200027 (IF: 3.16)


91. Plenge, D. Yang, K. Salomon, L. Laursen, I.E. Kalenderoglou, A.H. Newman, E. Gouaux, J.A. #Coleman, #C.J. Loland
“The antidepressant drug vilazodone is an allosteric inhibitor of the serotonin transporter”
Nature Communications (2021) p12, doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25363-3 (IF: 14.92)

90. G. Schmidt, U. Gether, C.J. Loland
“Elucidating the Mechanism Behind Sodium-Coupled Neurotransmitter Transporters by Reconstitution”
Neurochemical Research (2021) p10, doi: 10.1007/s11064-021-03413-y (IF: 4.00) 

89. S. Mortensen, C.J. Loland
”Short-range distance measurement by transition metal ion FRET”
Methods in Molecular Biology (2021) 2168: 299-311. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2021.04.043 (IF: 1.17)

88. Gericke, R.M. Fowler, A.M. Heskes, M.J. Bayly, S.J. Semple, C.P. Ndi, D. Staerk, C.J. Loland, D.J. Murphy, B.J. Buirchell, B.L. Møller
“Navigating through chemical space and evolutionary time across the Australian continent in plant genus Eremophila”
Plant Journal (2021) p24, doi: 10.1111/tpj.15448 (IF: 6.42)

87. Ehsan, H. Wang, C. Cecchetti, J.S. Mortensen, Y. Du, P. Hariharan, A. Nygaard, H.J. Lee, L. Ghani, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, B. Byrne, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae
“Maltose-bis(hydroxymethyl)phenol (MBPs) and Maltose-tris(hydroxymethyl)phenol (MTPs) Amphiphiles for Membrane Protein Stability”
ACS Chemical Biology (2021) p9, doi: 10.1021/acschembio.1c00578 (IF: 5.10) 

86. Sadaf, S. Kim, H.E. Bae, H. Wang, A. Nygaard, Y. Uegaki, Y. Du, C.F.Munk, S. Katsube, H. Sung Lee, J. Bae, C.W. Choi, H.J. Choi, B. Byrne, S.H. Gellman, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, W. Im, P.S. Chae
“Conformationally flexible core-bearing detergents with a hydrophobic or hydrophilic pendant: Effect of pendant polarity on detergent conformation and membrane protein stability”
Acta Biomaterialia (2021) p8, doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2021.04.043 (IF: 7.24)

85.  Targowska-Duda, B. Budzynska, A. Michalak, A. Wnorowski, C.J. Loland, M. Maj, D. Manetti, M.N. Romanelli, K. Jozwiak, G. Biala, H.R. Arias
“Type I and type II positive allosteric modulators of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors induce antidepressant-like activity in mice by a mechanism involving receptor potentiation but not neurotransmitter reuptake inhibition. Correlation with mTOR intracellular pathway activation”
European Neuropsychopharmacology (2021) 52:31-47 doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2021.06.006 (IF: 4.47)


84. Plenge, A.M. Abramyan, G. Sørensen, A. Mørk, P. Weikop, U. Gether, #B. Bang-Andersen, #L. Shi, #C.J. Loland
“The mechanism of a novel high-affinity allosteric inhibitor of the serotonin transporter”
Nature Communications (2020) p12, 11:1491. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15292-y
(IF: 11.88) 

83. Gotfryd, T. Boesen, J.S. Mortensen, G. Khelashvili, M. Quick, D.S. Terry, J.W. Missel, M.V. LeVine, P. Gourdon, S.C. Blanchard, J.A. Javitch, H. Weinstein, #C.J. Loland, #P. Nissen, #U. Gether
“Mechanism of substrate release in neurotransmitter:sodium symporters: the structure of LeuT in an inward-facing occluded conformation”
Nature Communications (2020) p14, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14735-w.
(IF: 11.88)

82. Niello, R. Gradisch, C.J. Loland, T. Stockner, H.H. Sitte
“Allosteric modulation of neurotransmitter transporters as a therapeutic strategy”
Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (2020) p17, doi: 10.1016/j.tips.2020.04.006 (IF: 11.52) 

81. Das, F. Mahler, P. Hariharan, H. Wang, Y. Du, J. S. Mortensen, E. P. Patallo, L. Ghani, D. Glück, H. J. Lee, B. Byrne, C. J. Loland, L. Guan, B. K. Kobilka, S. Keller, P. S. Chae
“Diastereomeric Cyclopentane-Based Maltosides (CPMs) as Tools for Membrane Protein Study”
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2020) p10, doi: org/10.1021/jacs.0c09629 (IF: 14.7) 

80. E. Bae, C. Cecchetti, Y. Du, S. Katsube, J. S. Mortensen, W. Huang, S. Rehan, H. J. Lee, C. J. Loland, L. Guan, B. K. Kobilka, B. Byrne, P. S. Chae
“Pendant-bearing glucose-neopentyl glycol (P-GNG) amphiphiles for membrane protein manipulation: Importance of detergent pendant chain for protein stabilization”
Acta Biomaterialia (2020) 112:250-261. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2020.06.001 (IF: 6.64)

79. Ehsan, S. Katsube, C. Cecchetti, Y. Du, J. S. Mortensen, H. Wang, A. Nygaard, L. Ghani, C. J. Loland, B. K. Kobilka, B. Byrne, L. Guan, P. S. Chae
” New Malonate-Derived Tetraglucoside Detergents for Membrane Protein Stability”
ACS Chemical Biology (2020) 15(6): 1697-1707. doi: 10.1021/acschembio.0c00316 (IF: 4.37)

78. R. Möller, P.S. Merkle, D. Calugareanu, G. Comamala, S.G. Schmidt, C.J.Loland, K.D. Rand
“Probing the conformational impact of detergents on the integral membrane protein LeuT by global HDX-MS”Journal of Proteomics (2020). doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2020.103845 (IF: 3.54)


77. L. Ghani, C.F. Munk, X. Zhang, S. Katsube, Y. Du, C. Cecchetti, W. Huang, H.E. Bae, S. Saouros, M. Ehsan, L. Guan, X. Liu, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae.
“1,3,5-Triazine-Cored Maltoside Amphiphiles for Membrane Protein Extraction and Stabilization”
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2019). doi: 10.1021/jacs.9b07883. (IF: 14.70)

76. R.D. Slack, T.C. Ku, J. Cao, J.B. Giancola, A. Bonifazi, C.J. Loland, A. Gadiano, J. Lam, R. Rais, B.S. Slusher, M. Coggiano , G. Tanda, A.H. Newman.
“Structure-Activity Relationships for a Series of (Bis(4-fluorophenyl)methyl)sulfinyl Alkyl Alicyclic Amines at the Dopamine Transporter: Functionalizing the Terminal Nitrogen Affects Affinity, Selectivity, and Metabolic Stability”
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2019). doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b01188 (IF: 6.05)

75. A.K. Nielsen, I.R. Möller, Y. Wang, S.G.F. Rasmussen, K. Lindorff-Larsen, #K. Rand, #C.J. Loland
”Substrate-Induced Conformational Dynamics of the Dopamine Transporter”
Nature Communications (2019), 10(1): 2714, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10449-w (IF: 12.35)

74. I.R. Möller, M. Silvacka, A.K. Nielsen, S.G.F. Rasmussen, U. Gether, #C.J. Loland, #K. Rand
“Conformational Dynamics of the Human Serotonin Transporter during Substrate and Drug Binding”
Nature Communications (2019), 10(1):1687. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-09675-z (IF: 12.35)

73. I.R. Möller, M. Silvacka, J. Hausner A.K. Nielsen, S.G.F. Pospíšilová E, Merkle PS, Lišková R, Polák M, Loland CJ, Kádek A, Man P, Rand KD.
“Improving the Sequence Coverage of Integral Membrane Proteins during Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry Experiments”
Analytical Chemistry (2019), 91(17):10970-10978. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b00973 (IF: 6.35)

72. A. Sadaf, M. Ramos, J.S. Mortensen, Y. Du, H.E. Bae, C.F. Munk, P. Hariharan, B. Byrne, B.K. Kobilka, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, P:S. Chae
“Conformationally Restricted Monosaccharide-Cored Glycoside Amphiphiles: The Effect of Detergent Headgroup Variation on Membrane Protein Stability”
ACS Chemical Biology (2019), 14(8):1717-1726. doi: 10.1021/acschembio.9b00166 (IF: 4.37)

71. M. Ehsan, Y. Du, J.S. Mortensen, P. Hariharan, Q. Qu, L. Ghani, M. Das, A. Grethen, B. Byrne, G. Skiniotis, S. Keller, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae.
“Self-Assembly Behavior and Application of Terphenyl-Cored Trimaltosides for Membrane-Protein Studies: Impact of Detergent Hydrophobic Group Geometry on Protein Stability”
Chemistry – A European Journal (2019), 25(49): 11545-11554. 10.1002/chem.201902468 (IF: 5.16)

70. M. Ehsan, A. Kumar, J.S. Mortensen, Y. Du, P. Hariharan, K.K Kumar, B. Ha, B. Byrne, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, C.J. Loland, P.S. Chae
“Self-assembly behaviors of a penta-phenylene maltoside and its application for membrane protein study”
Chemistry – An Asian Journal (2019), doi: 10.1002/asia.201900224 (IF: 3.69)

69. M. Das, Y. Du, J.S. Mortensen, M. Ramos, L. Ghani, H.J. Lee, H.E. Bae, B. Byrne, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae
“Trehalose-cored amphiphiles for membrane protein stabilization: importance of the detergent micelle size in GPCR stability”
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry (2019), 17(12): 1107-1116, doi: 10.1039/c8ob03153c. (IF: 3.49)


68. H.E. Bae, Y. Du, P. Hariharan, J.S. Mortensen, K.K. Kumar, B. Ha, M. Das, H.S. Lee, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae
“Asymmetric maltose neopentyl glycol amphiphiles for membrane protein study: Effect of detergent asymmetricity on protein stability”
Chemical Science (2018), 10(4): 1107-1116. doi: 10.1039/c8sc02560f (IF: 9.06)

67. P.S. Merkle, K. Gotfryd, M.A. Cuendet, K. Leth-Espersen, U. Gether, C.J. Loland, K.D. Rand
“Substrate-modulated unwinding of transmembrane helices in the NSS transporter LeuT”
Science Advances (2018), 4(5):eaar6179, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aar6179 (IF: 11.51)

66. H. Hussain, T. Helton, Y. Du, J.S. Mortensen, P. Hariharan, M. Ehsan, B. Byrne, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, L. Guan, P.S. Chae.
“A comparative study of branched and linear mannitol-based amphiphiles on membrane protein stability”
Analyst (2018) 143(23):5702-5710 doi: 10.1039/c8an01408f (IF: 3.86)

65. M. Das, Y. Du, J.S. Mortensen, P. Hariharan, H.S. Lee, B. Byrne, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae,
“Rationally engineered tandem facial amphiphiles for improved membrane protein stabilization efficacy”
ChemBioChem (2018) doi: 10.1002/cbic.201800388 (IF: 2.69)

64. M. Das, Y. Du, J.S. Mortensen, H.E. Bae, B. Byrne, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae
“An Engineered Lithocholate-Based Facial Amphiphile Stabilizes Membrane Proteins: Assessing the Impact of Detergent Customizability on Protein Stability”
Chemistry – A European Journal (2018) doi: 10.1002/chem.201801141 (IF: 5.32)

63. P.S. Chae, M. Ehsan, M. Das, V. Stern, Y. Du, J.S. Mortensen, P. Hariharan, B. Byrne, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, L. Guan
“Steroid-based amphiphiles for membrane protein study: Importance of alkyl spacer for protein stability”
ChemBioChem (2018) doi: 10.1002/cbic.201800106 (IF: 2.85)

62. A. Sadaf, Y. Du, C. Santillan, J.S. Mortensen, I. Molist, A.B.Seven, P. Hariharan, G. Skiniotis, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, L. Guan, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
“Dendronic trimaltoside amphiphiles (DTMs) for membrane protein study”
Chemical Science (2018), 8(12): 2489-2498 (IF: 9.14)

61. M. Ehsan, Y. Du, I. Molist, A.B. Seven, P. Hariharan, J.S. Mortensen, L. Ghani, C.J. Loland, G. Skiniotis, L. Guan, B. Byrne, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae
“Vitamin E-based glycoside amphiphiles for membrane protein structural studies.”
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, (2018) 16(14):2489-2498 (IF: 3.56)

60. F. Herborg, T.F. Andreassen, F. Berlin, C.J. Loland, U. Gether
“Neuropsychiatric disease-associated genetic variants of the dopamine transporter display heterogeneous molecular phenotypes”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2018), doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA118.001753 (IF: 4.13)


59. M-F. Zou, J. Cao, A. Abramyan, T. Kopajtic, C. Zanettini, D. Guthrie, R. Rais, B. Slusher, L. Shi, C.J. Loland, A.H. Newman
“Structure-activity relationship studies on a series of 3α-[bis(4-fluorophenyl)methoxy]tropanes and 3α-[bis(4-fluorophenyl)methylamino]tropanes as novel atypical dopamine transporter (DAT) inhibitors for the treatment of cocaine use disorders”
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2017) 60(24):10172-10691 (IF: 6.26)

58. S. Erlendsson, K. Gotfryd, F.H. Larsen, J.S. Mortensen, M-A. Geiger, B-J van Rossum, H. Oschkinat, U. Gether, #K. Teilum, #C.J. Loland
“Direct Assessment of Substrate Binding to the Neurotransmitter:Sodium Symporter LeuT by Solid State NMR”
eLife (2017), doi: 10.7554/eLife.19314 (IF: 8.30)

57. M. Ehsan, L. Ghani, Y. Du, P. Hariharan, J.S. Mortensen, O. Ribeiro, G. Skiniotis, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
“New penta-saccharide-bearing tripod amphiphiles for membrane protein structure studies”
Analyst (2017) doi: 10.1039/c7an01168g (IF: 3.89)

56. H. Hussain, J.S. Mortensen, Y. Du, C. Santillan, O. Ribeiro, J. Go, P. Hariharan, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
“Tandem malonate-based glucosides (TMGs) for membrane protein structural studies”
Science Reports (2017) 7(1):3963. doi: 10.1038/ s41598-017-03809-3. (IF: 4.26)

55. M. Das, Y. Du, J.S. Mortensen, O. Ribeiro, P. Hariharan, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, B.K. Kobilka, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
“Butane-1,2,3,4-tetraol-based amphiphilic stereoisomers for membrane protein study: importance of chirality in the linker region”
Chemical Science (2017) 8(2):1169-1177. doi: 10.1039/c6sc02981g (IF: 9.14)

54. A.M. Abramyan, S. Stolzenberg, Z. Li, C.J. Loland, F. Noé, L. Shi
“The isomeric preference of an atypical dopamine transporter inhibitor contributes to its selection of the transporter conformation”
ACS Chemical Neuroscience (2017) doi: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00094 (IF: 4.35)

53. H. Hussain, Y. Du, E. Tikhonova, J.S. Mortensen, O. Ribeiro, C. Santillan, M. Das, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
“Resorcinarene-based facial glycosides: implication of detergent flexibility on membrane protein stability”
Chemistry – A European Journal (2017) doi:10.1002/chem.201605016 (IF: 5.29)

52. M. Das, Y. Du, O. Ribeiro, P. Hariharan, J. Mortensen, D. Patra, G. Skiniotis, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B. Kobilka, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
”Conformationally preorganized diastereomeric norbornane-based maltosides (NBMs) for membrane protein study: Implications of detergent kink for micellar properties”
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2017) doi:10.1021/jacs.6b11997 (IF: 13.0)

51. S. Topiol, B. Bang-Andersen, C. Sanchez, P. Plenge, C.J. Loland, K. Juhl, K. Larsen, P. Bregnedal, K.P. Bøgesø
“X-ray structure based evaluation of analogs of citalopram: Compounds with increased affinity and selectivity compared with R-citalopram for the allosteric site (S2) on hSERT”
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2017), 27(3):470-478 (IF: 2.49)


50. C.B. Billesbølle, J.S. Mortensen, A. Sohail, S.G. Schmidt, L. Shi, H.H. Sitte, U. Gether, C.J. Loland
“Transition metal ion FRET uncovers K+ regulation of a neurotransmitter:sodium symporter”
Nature Communications, DOI: 10.1038/NCOMMS12755. (IF: 11.3)

49. K.H. Cho, P. Hariharan, J.S. Mortensen, Y. Du, A.K. Nielsen, B. Byrne, B.K. Kobilka, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, P.S. Chae.
“Isomeric Detergent Comparison for Membrane Protein Stability: Importance of Inter-Alkyl-Chain Distance and Alkyl Chain Length”
ChemBioChem (2016) 17(24): 2334-2339 (IF: 2.85)

48. J. Cao, R.D. Slack, O.M. Bakare, C. Burzynski, R. Rais, B.S. Slusher, T. Kopajtic, A. Bonifazi, M.P. Ellenberger, H. Yano, Y. He, G.H. Bi, Z.X. Xi, C.J. Loland, A.H. Newman.
“Novel and high affinity 2-[(Diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl]acetamide (Modafinil) analogues as atypical dopamine transporter inhibitors”
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2016), 59(23):10676-10691. (IF: 5.59)

47. A. Sohail, K. Jayaraman, S. Venkatesan, K. Gotfryd, M. Daerr, U. Gether, C.J. Loland, K.T. Wanner, M. Freissmuth, H.H. Sitte, W. Sandtner, T. Stockner
“The environment shapes the inner vestibule of LeuT”
PLoS Computational Biology (2016), 12(11):e1005197. doi: 10.1371 (IF: 4.59)

46. K.H. Cho, O. Ribeiro, Y. Du, E. Tikhonova, J.S. Mortensen, K. Markham, P. Hariharan, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
“Mesitylene-cored glucoside amphiphiles (MGAs) for membrane protein studies: importance of alkyl chain density in detergent efficacy”
Chemistry – A European Journal (2016), 10.1002/chem.201603338 (IF: 5.29) 

45. H.E. Bae, J.S. Mortensen, O. Ribeiro, Y. Du, M. Esan, B.K. Kobilka, C.J. Loland, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
“Tandem Neopentyl Glycol Maltosides (TNMs) for Membrane Protein Stabilisation”
Chemical Communications (2016), 52(84):12104-12107 (IF: 6.57)

44. G. Khelashvili, S.G. Schmidt, L. Shi, J.A. Javitch, U. Gether, C.J. Loland, H. Weinstein.
“Conformational dynamics on the extracellular side of LeuT controlled by Na+ and K+ ions and the protonation state of E290”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2016), 291(38):19786-99 (IF: 4.26)

43. M. Ehsan, Y. Du, N.J. Scull, E. Tikhonova, J. Tarrasch, J.S. Mortensen, C.J. Loland, G. Skiniotis, L. Guan, B. Byrne, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae.
“Highly Branched Pentasaccharide-Bearing Amphiphiles for Membrane Protein Studies”
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2016), 138(11): 3789-3796 (IF: 13.0)

42. A. Sadaf, J.S. Mortensen, S. Capaldi, E. Tikhonova, P. Hariharan, O. de Castro Ribeiro, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae
“A Class of Rigid Linker-bearing Glucosides for Membrane Protein Structural Study”
Chemical Science (2016), 7(3): 1933-1939 (IF: 9.14)

41. H. Hussain, Y. Du, N.J. Scull, J. S. Mortensen, J. Tarrasch, H.E. Bae, C.J. Loland, B. Byrne, B.K. Kobilka, P.S. Chae
“Accessible Mannitol-Based Amphiphiles (MNAs) for Membrane Protein Solubilisation and Stabilisation”
Chemistry – A European Journal (2016), 22(21): 7068-7073 (IF: 5.29)

40. M.A.B. Larsen, P. Plenge, J. Andersen, J.N.N. Eildal, A.S. Kristensen, K.P. Bøgesø, U. Gether, K. Strømgaard, B. Bang-Andersen, C.J. Loland
“Structure-activity relationship studies of citalopram derivatives: Examining substituents conferring selectivity for the allosteric site in the serotonin transporter”
British Journal of Pharmacology (2016), 173(5):925-36 (IF: 5.26)


39. C.B. Billesbølle, M.B. Krüger, L. Shi, M. Quick, Z. Li, S. Stolzenberg, J. Kniazeff, K. Gotfryd, J.A. Javitch, H. Weinstein, C.J. Loland, U. Gether
“Substrate-induced unlocking of the inner gate determines the catalytic efficiency of a neurotransmitter:sodium symporter”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2015), 290(44): 26725-26738 (IF: 4.26)

38. V. Jagalski, R. Barker, M.B. Thygesen, K. Gotfryd, M. Krüger, L. Shi, S. Maric, N. Bovet, M. Moulin, M. Haertlein, T. Günther Pomorski, C.J. Loland, M. Cardenas, “Grafted Biomembranes Containing Membrane Proteins - The Case for the Leucine Transporter”
Soft Matter (2015), 11(39): 7707-7711 (IF: 3.80)

37. K.H. Cho, Y. Du, N.J. Scull, P Hariharan. K. Gotfryd, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B. Byrne, B.K Kobilka, P.S. Chae.
“Novel Xylene-linked Maltose Amphipiles (XMAs) for Membrane Protein Stabilisation”
Chemistry – A European Journal (2015), 21(28): 10008-10013 (IF: 5.29)

36. H.E. Bae, K. Gotfryd, J. Thomas, H. Hussain, M. Ehsan, J. Go, C.J. Loland, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae.
“Deoxycholate-Based Glycosides (DCGs) for Membrane Protein Stabilisation”
ChemBioChem – Communications (2015), 16(10): 1454-1459 (IF: 2.85)

35. S. Stolzenberg, M. Quick, C. Zhao, K. Gotfryd, G. Khelashvili, U. Gether, C.J. Loland, J.A. Javitch, S. Noskov, H. Weinstein, L. Shi.
“Mechanism of the Association between Na+ Binding and Conformations at the Intracellular Gate in Neurotransmitter:Sodium Symporters”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2015), 290(22): 13992-4003 (IF: 4.26)

34. K.H. Cho, M. Husri, A. Amin, K. Gotfryd, H.J. Lee, J. Go, J.W. Kim, C.J. Loland, L. Guan, B. Byrne, P.S. Chae.
“Maltose neopentyl glycol-3 (MNG-3) analogues for membrane protein study”
Analyst (2015), 140(9): 3157-3163 (IF: 4.03)

33. C.J. Loland.
“The use of LeuT as a model in elucidating binding sites for substrates and inhibitors in neurotransmitter transporters”
Biochimica Biophysica Acta – General Subjects (2015), 1850(3): 500-510 (IF: 3.66)


32. F.H. Hansen, T. Skjørringe, S. Yasmeen, N. Arends, M.A. Sahai, K. Erreger, T.F. Andreassen, M. Holy, P.J. Hamilton, V. Neergheen, M. Karlsborg, A.H. Newman, S. Pope, S.JR. Heales, L. Friberg, I. Law, L.H. Pinborg, H.H. Sitte, C. J. Loland, L. Shi, H. Weinstein, A. Galli, L.E. Hjermind, L.B. Møller, U. Gether.
“Missense Mutations in the Dopamine Transporter Gene Associated with Adult Parkinsonism and ADHD”
Journal of Clinical Investigation (2014), 124(7): 3107-3120 (IF: 13.2)

31. A.V. Pedersen, T.F. Andreassen, C.J. Loland.
“A Conserved Salt Bridge between Transmembrane Segment 1 and 10 Constitutes an Extracellular Gate in the Dopamine Transporter”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2014), 289(50): 35003-350014 (IF: 4.57)

30. O.M Okunola-Bakare, J. Cao, T. Kopajtic, J.L. Katz, C.J. Loland, L. Shi, A.H. Newman.
“Elucidation of Structural Elements for Selectivity across Monoamine Transporters: Novel 2-[(Diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl]acetamide (Modafinil) Analogues”
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2014), 57(3): 1000-1003 (IF: 5.45)


29. A.K. Banala, P. Zhang, P. Plenge, G. Cyriac, T. Kopajtic, J.L. Katz, C.J. Loland, A.H. Newman.
“Design and Synthesis of 1-(3-(dimethylamino)propyl)-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,3-dihydroisobenzofuran-5-carbonitrile (Citalopram) Analogues as Novel Probes for the Serotonin Transporter S1 and S2 Binding Sites”
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2013), 56(23): 9709-9724 (IF: 5.48)

28. P.S. Chae, A.C. Kruse, K. Gotfryd, R.R. Rana, K.H. Cho, S.G. Rasmussen, H.E. Bae R., Chandra, U. Gether, L. Guan, B.K. Kobilka, C.J. Loland, B. Byrne, S.H. Gellman.
“Novel Tripod Amphiphiles for Membrane Protein Analysis”
Chemistry – a European Journal (2013), 56(23): 15645-15651 (IF: 5.70)

27. P.S. Chae, R.R. Rana, K. Gotfryd, S.G.F. Rasmussen, A.C. Kruse, K.H Cho, S. Capaldi, B. Kobilka, C.J. Loland, U. Gether, S. Banerjee, B. Byrne, J.K. Lee, S.H. Gellman
“Glucose-Neopentyl Glycol (GNG) Amphiphiles for Membrane Protein Study”
Chemical Communications (2013), 49(23):2287-2289 (IF: 6.72)

26. P. Zhang, T.N. Jørgensen, C.J. Loland, A.H. Newman
“A Rhodamine-Labeled Citalopram Analogue as a High-Affinity Fluorescent Probe for the Serotonin Transporter”
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2013), 23(1):323-326 (IF: 2.33)

25. K.J. Simmons, K. Gotfryd, C.B. Billesbølle, C.J. Loland, U. Gether, C.W. Fishwick, A.P. Johnson
“A virtual high-throughput screening approach to the discovery of novel inhibitors of the bacterial leucine transporter, LeuT”
Molecular Membrane Biology (2013), 30(2):184-194 (IF: 1.73)


24. P. Plenge, L. Shi, T. Beuming, A.H. Newman, H. Weinstein, U. Gether, C.J. Loland.
“Steric Hindrance mutagenesis in the Conserved Extracellular Vestibule Impedes Allosteric Binding of Antidepressants to the Serotonin Transporter”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012), 287(47):39316-39326 (IF: 4.65)

23. C.J. Loland, M. Mereu, O. M. Okunola, J. Cao, T. E. Prisinzano, T. Kopajtic, L. Shi, J. L. Katz, G. Tanda, A. H. Newman
“R-Modafinil (Armodafinil): A unique dopamine uptake inhibitor and potential medication for psychostimulant abuse”
Biological Psychiatry (2012), 72(5):405-413 (IF: 9.25)

22. P.S Chae, S.G. Rasmussen, R.R. Rana, K. Gotfryd, A.C. Kruse, A. Manglik, K.H. Cho, S. Nurva, U. Gether, L. Guan, C.J. Loland, B. Byrne, B.K. Kobilka, S.H. Gellman.
“A New Class of Amphiphiles Bearing Rigid Hydrophobic Groups for Solubilization and Stabilization of Membrane Proteins”
Chemistry (2012), 18(31):9485-9490 (IF: 5.83)

21. G. Sørensen, M. Weikop, D. Dencker, C.J. Loland, C. H. Bengtsen, J. H. Petersen, A. Fink-Jensen, G. Wörtwein, D. P. Woldbye.
“Neuropeptide Y Y5 receptor antagonism attenuates cocaine-induced effects in mice”
Psychopharmacology (Berl) (2012), 222(4):565-577 (IF: 4.06)


20. A.S. Kristensen, J. Andersen, T.N. Jørgensen, L. Sørensen, J. Eriksen, C.J. Loland, K. Strømgaard, U. Gether.
“The SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters: structure, function and regulation”
Pharmacological Reviews (2011), 63(3):585-640 (IF: 20.2)

19. H. Bisgaard, M.A. Larsen, S. Mazier, T. Beuming, A.H. Newman, H. Weinstein, L. Shi, C.J. Loland, U. Gether.
“The binding sites for benztropines and dopamine in the dopamine transporter overlap”
Neuropharmacology (2011), 60(1):182-190 (IF: 4.81)


18. P.S. Chae, S.G. Rasmussen, R.R. Rana, K. Gotfryd, R. Chandra, M.A. Goren, A.C. Kruse, S. Nurva, C.J. Loland, Y. Pierre, D. Drew, J.L. Popot, D. Picot, B.G. Fox, L. Guan, U. Gether, B. Byrne, B. Kobilka, S.H. Gellman
“Maltose-neopentyl glycol (MNG) amphiphiles for solubilization, stabilization and crystallization of membrane proteins”
Nature Methods (2010), 7(12):1003-1008 (IF: 20.7)

17. P.S. Chae, K. Gotfryd, J. Pacyna, L.J. Miercke, S.G. Rasmussen, R.A. Robbins, R.R. Rana, C.J. Loland, B. Kobilka, R. Stroud, B Byrne, U Gether, S.H. Gellman
“Tandem Facial Amphiphiles for Membrane Protein Stabilization”
Journal of the American Chemical Society (2010), 132(47):16750-16752 (IF: 9.02)


16. T. Beuming, J. Kniazeff; M.L. Bergmann, L. Shi, L. Gracia, K. Raniszewska, A.H. Newman, J.A. Javitch, H. Weinstein, U. Gether, and C.J. Loland
“The Binding Sites for Cocaine and Dopamine in the Dopamine Transporter are Overlapping”
Nature Neuroscience (2008), 11(7): 780-789 (IF: 14.2)

15. J. Kniazeff, L. Shi, C.J. Loland, H. Weinstein, and U. Gether
“An Intracellular Interaction Network Regulates Conformational Transitions in the Dopamine Transporter”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2008), 283(25): 17691-17701 (IF: 5.52)

14. C.J. Loland, R.I. Desai, M.-F. Zou, J. Cao, P. Grundt, K. Gerstbrein, H.H. Sitte, A.H. Newman, J.L. Katz, and U. Gether
“Relationship between Conformational Changes in the Dopamine Transporter and Cocaine-Like Subjective Effects of Uptake Inhibitors”
Molecular Pharmacology (2008), 73: 813-823 (IF: 4.71)


13. K.M. Kahlig, B.J. Lute, Y. Wei, C.J. Loland, U. Gether, J.A. Javitch, A. Galli
“Regulation of Dopamine Transporter Trafficking by Intracellular Amphetamine”
Molecular Pharmacology (2006), 70(2):542-548 (IF: 4.47)


12. J.H. Cha, M.-F. Zou, E.M. Adkins, S.G.F. Rasmussen, C.J. Loland, B. Shonenberger, U. Gether, and A.H. Newman
“Rhodamine-labeled 2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)tropane analogues as high-affinity fluorescent probes for the dopamine transporter”
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2005), 48(24): 7513-7516 (IF: 4.97)

11. J. Kniazeff, C.J. Loland, N. Goldberg, M. Quick, S. Das, H.H. Sitte, J.A. Javitch, and U. Gether
“Intramolecular Cross-Linking in a Bacterial Homolog of Mammalian SLC6 Neurotransmitter Transporters Suggests an Evolutionary Conserved Role of Transmembrane Segments 7 and 8”
Neuropharmacology (2005), 49(6): 7024-7036 (IF: 3.84)


10. C. Bjerggaard, J. Fog, H. Hastrup, K. Madsen, C.J. Loland, J. Javitch, and U. Gether
“Surface Targeting of the Dopamine Transporter Involves Discrete Epitopes in the Distal C Terminus but does not Require Canonical PDZ Domain Interactions”
Journal of Neuroscience (2004), 24(31): 7024-7036 (IF: 8.02)

9. C.J. Loland, C. Grånäs, J.A. Javitch, and U. Gether
“Identification of Intracellular Residues in the Dopamine Transporter Critical for Regulation of Transporter Conformation and Cocaine Binding”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2004), 279(5): 3228-3238 (IF: 6.57)


8. C.J. Loland, K. Norgaard-Nielsen, and U. Gether
“Probing Dopamine Transporter Structure and Function by Zn2+-site Engineering”
European Journal of Pharmacology (2003), 479(1-3): 187-197 (IF: 2.35)

7. L. Norregaard, C.J. Loland, and U. Gether
“Evidence for distinct sodium, dopamine and cocaine dependent conformational changes in transmembrane segments 7 and 8 of the dopamine transporter”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2003), 278(33): 30587-30596 (IF: 6.41)

6. C. Grånäs, J. Ferrer, C.J. Loland, J.A. Javitch and U. Gether
“N-terminal Truncation of the Dopamine Transporter Abolishes Phorbol Ester and Substance P Receptor Stimulated Phosphorylation Without Impairing Transporter Internalization”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2003), 278(7): 4990-5000 (IF: 6.41)


5. C.J. Loland, L. Norregaard, T. Litman and U. Gether
“Generation of an Activating Zn2+ Switch in the Dopamine Transporter: Mutation of an Intracellular Tyrosine Constitutively Alters the Conformational Equilibrium of the Transport Cycle”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (2002), 99(3): 1683-1688 (IF: 10.7)


4. N. MacAulay, A. Bendahan, C.J. Loland, T. Zeuthen, B. Kanner and U. Gether
“Engineered Zn2+ Switches in the GABA Transporter-1: Differential Effects on GABA Uptake and Currents”
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2001), 276(44): 40476-40485 (IF: 6.61)

3. U. Gether, L. Norregaard and C.J. Loland
“Delineating Structure-Function Relationships in the Dopamine Transporter from Natural and Engineered Zn2+ Binding Sites”
Life Sciences (2001), 68(19-20):2187-2198 (IF: 1.79)


2. L. Norregaard, I. Visiers, C.J. Loland, J. Ballasteros, H. Weinstein and U. Gether “Structural Probing of a Microdomain in the Dopamine Transporter by Engineering of Artificial Zn2+ Binding Sites.”
Biochemistry (2000), 39(51): 15836-15846


1. C.J. Loland, L. Norregaard, and U. Gether
“Defining Proximity Relationships in the Tertiary Structure of the Dopamine Transporter. Identification of a Conserved Glutamic Acid as a Third Coordinate in the Endogenous Zn2+ Binding site”
Journal of Biological Chemistry. (1999), 274(52): 36928-36934 (IF: 7.67)

I.II Book Chapters

6. F.A. Chaudhry, C.J. Loland, A. Ortega, A. Schousboe (Eds)
“Special issue on neurotransmitter transporters”
Neuropharmacology (2019) 161:107859. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2019.107859

5. J.S. Mortensen, C.J. Loland
“Short-range distances measurement by transition metal ion FRET”
In ‘Biophysics of Membrane Proteins’, (V. Postis & A. Goldman, ed.) Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer Nature, London (2019)

4. C.J. Loland, C. Sanchez, P. Plenge, K.P. Bøgesø, B. Bang-Andersen
“Allosteric Binding in the Serotonin Transporter – Pharmacology, Structure, Function and Potential Use as a Novel Drug Target”
In ‘Allosterism in Drug Discovery’ Royal Society of Chemistry, Drug Discovery Series no. 65 (ed. D. Doller), (2017) page 360-380. doi: 10.1039/9781782629276

3. C.J. Loland and U. Gether
“Neurotransmitter Transporters: Structure, Function and Drug Binding”
in ‘Textbook of Drug Design and Discovery’, 5th edition (ed. U. Madsen), Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2015

2. C.J. Loland and U. Gether
“Neurotransmitter Transporters: Structure and Function”
in ‘Textbook of Drug Design and Discovery’, 4th edition (ed.. U. Madsen), Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2010

1. C.J. Loland, and U. Gether
“Insights from Endogenous and Engineered Zn2+-binding Sites in Monoamine Transporters”
In Molecular Neuropharmacology: Strategies and Methods (Schousboe, A. and Bräuner-Osborne, H., ed.) Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey (2004), 191-213

II. Patent applications

“Use of dihydro-isobenzofuran in combination with serotonin reuptake inhibitors for CNS disease e.g. depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsory disorder”
Inventors: K.P. Bogeso, K. Juhl, H. Zhong, C.J. Loland
Patent Number: WO2013110313-A1
Patent Assignee Name and Code: LUNDBECK AS H(LUND-C)
Derwent Primary Accession Number: 2013-M11364 [55]





Lab members

Name Title Job responsibilities
Search in Name Search in Title Search in Job responsibilities
Claus Juul Løland Professor Løland Lab Billede af Claus Juul Løland
Iris Elpida Kalenderoglou Research Assistant Løland Lab Billede af Iris Elpida Kalenderoglou
King Avery Saenz Master-Student Løland Lab Billede af King Avery Saenz
Kristine Walløe Salomon Research Assistant Løland Lab Billede af Kristine Walløe Salomon
Lone Rosenquist Laboratory Technician Løland Lab Billede af Lone Rosenquist
Nawras Aqidi Master-Student Løland Lab Billede af Nawras Aqidi
Tania Ginkel Guest Researcher Løland Lab Billede af Tania Ginkel