Neuroseminar series

The seminars will present talks within the general field of neuroscience, spanning from basic research to clinical aspects. Speakers will include a diverse mix of local and international scientists, both academic and from industry, and at all levels of seniority. But all are expected to be working at the leading edges of their fields, to be engaging and provocative, and to target their talks as broadly as possible. The talks are intended to last around 35-45 minutes, to allow plenty of time for questions and discussion. Interested attendees are encouraged to continue discussion thereafter in the Faculty Club.

The seminar series presents:

  1. Fixed seminar times on the first Wednesday of the month at 15.00 (coffee/cookies prior to the talk). We invite both basic and clinical scientists with the aim to facilitate translational collaborations between these groups.

  2. Ad hoc seminars will be arranged as visitors arrive at Panum. Please do inform us at your earliest convenience if you have scientific visitors arriving (in order to secure a meeting room and avoid double bookings of talks). Please inform your visitor of the broad audience attending this seminar series to encourage broader presentations.

To promote interaction among the Copenhagen neuroscientist, we invite you to join us prior to the talk for coffee and cookies, and a chance to meet the speaker and your fellow researchers of all career stages.

We hope this seminar series will be an exciting new addition to the neuroscience environment at SUND, and will provide a lively forum for the exchange of new ideas and the establishment of new collaborations. Please feel free to forward all seminar invitations to interested researchers.

To be notified directly by email, please contact Professor Nanna MacAulay (<> to be added to the seminar email list.

Best wishes,

Nanna MacAulay, Claus Juul Løland, Ulrik Gether, and Ole Kiehn 


Nanna MacAulay, Professor
Department of Neuroscience

Claus Juul Løland, Professor
Department of Neuroscience

Ulrik Gether, Professor
Department of Neuroscience

Ole Kiehn, Professor
Department of Neuroscience