PhD defence: Mia Apuschkin

”The emerging heterogeneity of the dopamine system 

- a GPCR atlas of midbrain dopaminergic and striatal medium spiny neurons”


Assessment Committee

Associate Professor Agnete Kirkeby (Chairperson)
Professor Jonathan A. Javitch
Associate Professor Christian Bjerggaard Vægter


Professor Ulrik Gether


Professor Thue Schwartz and Associate Professor Mattias Rickhag



Place and time

The defence will take part as a digital defence the 5th of February 2021 @ 14:00.

To attend the defence, please follow the link:
Meeting ID: 691 0722 1897
Password: 791471

Instructions if you wish to attend the defence via the digital solution

Please follow the link and hereafter the instructions to download the required Zoom-client. If the Zoom-client is incompatible with your pc, smartphone etc. you can attend via an Internet browser. Log-in in due time before to allow time to install the Zoom-client.

As the defence is held as a digital defence, we kindly ask guests who do not have an active role in the defence to mute your microphones and leave your cameras turned off during the defence. Questions from the audience will be received through the chat function or via the chairperson at the end of the session.