Research projects

Background: How is the brain supplied with food for thoughts?
And what goes wrong when we age, or suffer from a neurodegenerative disorder?

Normal brain function depends on preserved supply of glucose and oxygen and even minor deficits in control of the cerebral circulation lead to loss of brain function. The robust coupling between brain activity and cerebral blood flow (CBF), the so-called neurovascular coupling regulates the minor local CBF alterations that take place all the time. In the past, the dynamics of CBF control was based on an understanding of brain arterioles and on capillaries for exchange of substances between blood and brain.  This notion has undergone an important change in recent years because it has been discovered that both arterioles and capillaries take part in 1) substance exchange and 2) cerebrovascular resistance. 



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Project description

Population prognostics show that by the year 2030, 29% of the Danish population will be 60+ years compared to 24% today and that much of this increase will be due to increased numbers of persons 80 years of age or more. Similar aging populations are seen world-wide. With this shift in population demographics, there is also increased prevalence of diseases related to aging.  Why is age a risk factor for sustained damage following slight head trauma in the elderly and what mechanisms in brain ageing makes the brain frail and predisposes to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease? That is the question. 

Our first study showed that a concerted action among astrocytes in aged brains giving rise to astroglial calcium waves. These waves were abundant in old but not young brains and evoked small but repeated rises in oxygen consumption. This is one brain ageing mechanism with the potential to reduce brain's oxidative reserve capacity and thereby contribute to brain frailty.

Healthy brain aging is also characterized by reduced cerebral blood flow (CBF) and reduced responses to rises in neuronal activity – the supply of food for thought is restricted and even when the need goes up supply is at the borderline of being insufficient. Our second study reported that this was strongly correlated to reduced spontaneous and evoked gamma activity, which is strongly linked to perception, cognition and memory is humans as well as rodents. Gamma oscillations may drive the mechanisms responsible adjusting blood flow to brain activity, which decrease with age.  In contrast, the coupling between metabolism and activity increase with age, despite reduced gamma oscillations in old animals.  This could suggest that gamma activity and the interneurons that produce them are key players in healthy brain aging.

In our current project we use mice with parvalbumine (PV) positive interneurons that can be stimulated by light, so called optogenetic stimulation. This research project is believed to shed light on the importance of this particular type of interneuron in vascular and metabolic regulation in young and old mice.





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Project description

Within the last 2 years we have gotten involved in blood-brain barrier (BBB) research, which is of great interest and of key importance for an understanding of the exchange of molecules across brain capillaries. Drug delivery to the central nervous system is a tremendous challenge. Drug transport across the brain endothelium forming the BBB is a particularly great challenge because of the low intrinsic permeability of the barrier to most solutes and the presence of active efflux transporters.

The Research Initiative on Brain Barriers and Drug Delivery (RIBBDD) was established as a network of five independent research units based at four Danish universities, Aalborg University (AAU), Aarhus University (AU), the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and University of Copenhagen (UCPH). RIBBDD started its activities in March 2014 and is funded by the Lundbeck Foundation. The vision is to establish a cutting-edge research program that goes beyond the current possibilities of each group. The laboratories will work together to develop new research methodologies and approaches for studying and enforcing drug transport across the BBB, cellular communication in the brain, and regulation of the BBB.

Our work package is divided into six projects all focused on elucidating function and pathology of the NVU and the BBB. There is great interest in the mechanisms by which neurons, astrocytes and vascular cells interact, and how this interplay controls the properties of the BBB. Recent studies suggest that pericytes play an essential role for blood-central nervous system barriers and that the lack of pericytes or impairment of function leads to accumulation of toxic substances in the tissue and in turn cell death.

A main aim of our lab is to develop experimental and analytical tools to be able to study BBB properties at the level of single capillaries for big and small molecules and to develop tools for in vivo evaluation of BBB permeability and diffusion coefficients for relevant substances in normal physiology and under conditions with a disrupted BBB such as after stroke or chemical treatment of the BBB.  Little is known with regard to signaling among pericytes and astrocytes in disease states, and the consequences of failed communication between cells of the neurovascular unit for BBB breakdown. Therefore a second aim is to outline if signaling among NVU cells, or changes in NVU communication pathways contribute to BBB breakdown in focal ischemia in mice.

There are as yet no publications available, but we expect that this will change in 2017.