Transferrable skills for PhD students – Invaluable!
for the PhD students within neuroscience at Faculty of Health and Medical Science, UCPH – the NeuroGrads, we hosted three workshops on important transferrable skills; 1st year students (Y1) work with scientific writing, 2nd year students (Y2) with poster presentations, and 3rd year students with oral academic presentations. 120 fantastic and enthusiastic PhD students through ‘the mill’ in three active days.

Never. Underestimate. The importance. Of communication!
Whether written, on a poster, or by oral delivery.
The same content can either be easily understood and absorbed – or completely incomprehensive to the listener/reader. From junior to senior Faculty: Never cease to work towards improving your communication skills! For the NeuroGrads - this is just a start for you to build on during your years in academia. Keep up the good work!
Thanks to our amazing workshop instructors Nicolai Paulsen (Y1), Katrine Tørsø and Mads Svaneklink (Y2), and Melanie Conrad (Y3) – who year after year prepare our NeuroGrads for the important task of sharing their research in clear and capturing fashion.
At our grand NeuroGrad Winter School get-together in a few weeks at a hotel on the north coast of Denmark, the 2nd year students will present their work on posters and the 3rd year students by oral presentations, with 1st year students evaluating their efforts (to be continued...)